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Jul 8, 2005
I've already read several posts that answered questions I had or, more importantly, made me feel more comfortable with what I had done or was planning to do.? I bought a 2004 ALJO Rampage Toyhauler, mainly for weekend Harley rallys but also just camping trips in places where we might also ride.

Just in case you are into motorcycles, I'm inserting a picture of my 2002 Harley Fat Boy, (modified to all chrome-except the frame), along with my new trailer.



  • RampageSmall.JPG
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  • ChromeHogSmall.JPG
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Hi Hoghauler and welcome to the forum. Great photos - thanks for sharing. I haven't rideen a motorcycle in over 35 years, but your photo brought back memories.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Thanks for sharing the photos.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions, ask questions or start new discussions relating to the RVing lifestyle.

Glad you found us.
Thanks for the great photos!  In what part of the Country do you travel?  Is your bike for show competition?
I go to rally's mostly within 200 miles of southeast Missouri, but have made it to Sturgis, S.D. the last two years, and to Myrtle Beach Bike Week this past May.  I won best Chrome at the Sturgis '04 Bike Show, 1st Place in Steet Custom at a Little Rock Show, and 1st in Radical (Don't know why they put me in that class) Custom at the Tennessee state H.O.G. show a few weeks ago.  Those are the only shows I've entered, usually you have to leave your bike all day and then I can't ride, so I;m not really into showing it.  I have about 13,000 miles on it, rode to Sturgis last year.  It get's lots of attention everywhere I go and I meet a lot of people that way so to me that's more fun than the shows. 

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