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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
Hi folks,

QZ 2007 was our first QZ rally and we enjoyed ourselves.  For that we have to thank those who were instrumental in organising the non-organised event as well as our fellow participants all of whom were fun to chat with and to listen to. 


Doug and Peggy J
Glad you had a great time Doug. The folks involved with organizing rallies always do a great job and deserve all the praise and thanks that attendees have for them. We've left rallies with lasting memories of the folks attending and having made new friendships. Sorry we weren't there this year to meet you, but maybe at another rally or somewhere along the road.
Doug, it's always nice to put faces to the names and meet new old friends :)  So glad you could join us and look forward to seeing you again at another rally.
Glad you enjoyed the rally.  It's always fun.  Wish you would have joined us on an off-road trek.  I would like to sit and see your skills with PhotoShop the next time.

Wish you would have joined us on an off-road trek.

Truth to tell, Ron, the off-roading gig doesn't catch my fancy.  But the two of us putting CS one, two or three :) through its paces would be fun.


Another rally is doubtless in our future, Ned and Helaine, but probably won't be until Jan 2009.  We're booked for a WIT caravan to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival in October coming which will be our Jan 2008 trip money spent in 2007 :).  But if we win a lottery, things will be different. ;D


Hi Doug,

I wish we were there this year as I would love to discuss photography with you. I only wish you had been there two years ago when the flowers were unbelievable!!! Maybe next time.
We're booked for a WIT caravan to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival in October coming which will be our Jan 2008 trip money spent in 2007

If you get a chance before or after, perhaps we can meet for coffee or a meal. We've a site here with elec 35 miles from the baloon field is you're arriving early or staying over after the caravan.
I wish we were there this year as I would love to discuss photography with you. I only wish you had been there two years ago when the flowers were unbelievable!!!

And so do I, Jim.

If you get a chance before or after, perhaps we can meet for coffee or a meal.

Thanks for the invitation, Bob.  Peg and I would love to meet you and your wife.  However, we don't have the fine details of the itinerary planned as yet.



It was nice to meet you and Peggy.  I'll try to get on CS and tell Mary H hello. 

I've already sent a post to MaryH, but as yet have had no response.  I was happy to meet up with you--some common ground for both of us as well as our wives.



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