The final campfire

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Well last night the final party here, five of us, enjoyed a steak and salad dinner at Sue and Jeff's coach.    MMMmmm!

After dinner Karl lit the largest bonfire of the rally, over at Bob Buchanan's fire ring.  Bob, we did our best to keep your fire ring intact, but we were close to the edge lol!  The fire was huge and I am sure could be seen for many miles.  We finished off all the crates.  Sky provided the entertainment as he cavorted around the bonfire, trying to get everyone to toss him his rubber tire for retrieval.  We also did our best to knock over Karl's scotch, but he has become to skillful in guarding it. 

Amazing the skills you acquire at a QZ rally!  ;D

In a few minutes Sue and Jeff will be departing.  The Admiral and I will stick it out until Saturday, when we will head to Lake Havesu to meet my best friend from Idaho.  In the end, only Karl will remain to guard a spot that has produced lasting memories for all of us I am sure.
Ron, we just read the thread about moving away from QZ and we are quite upset about that.  We sure hope that does not come to pass.  :-[
Smoky said:
Ron, we just read the thread about moving away from QZ and we are quite upset about that.? We sure hope that does not come to pass.? ?:-[

From the inputs I don't think the QZ rally venue will be changed.  There will always be some that don't like the desert as we do but then there are always those that do. 

Smoky said:
we just read the thread about moving away from QZ and we are quite upset about that.

Smoky, that discussion wasn't meant to upset anyone. It was a simple question, more like thinking aloud but, for some reason, some folks are reading much more into it than was intended.

Wish we could have been at the last campfire, but other plans and commitments dictated that we leave when we did. As I said in my email, we were really sorry we missed you and Sharon the day we left.

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