The next step

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Moderator Emeritus
Apr 8, 2005
We are another step closer to full time.

We accepted an offer on our home last evening. In two weeks we leave for New England and will close when we return in late August. A lot to get done this summer....
Thats good news congratulations.  Hope all goes well with the sale.  Sounds like you will be able to attend some of the RV Forum rallies sooon.

Jeff /Washington said:
We are another step closer to full time.

We accepted an offer on our home last evening. In two weeks we leave for New England and will close when we return in late August. A lot to get done this summer....


Congratulations! If you get to CT on your trip to New England, be sure to let us know. We will be here until September. We have been full timing for about 8 1/2 years.


QZ and Moab are on my calendar, have to work out a few conflicts with Sue's plans in late April. ;)


Would love to but we are enroute to northern Vermont and Maine via upstate NY this time. Hope to spend winter of 2006-07 in Florida near my folks so we will try to make the Fall or Spring SE rallies.

Where in Vermont will you be.  One of our favorite campgrounds, Limehurst Lake, is about two miles South of Williams town which is located South of Barrie, Vermont.

We are headed for Burlington to see my brother  and then down to N Thetford and the Rest n Nest campground where my parents spend their summers. Will pick them up to head for a family reunion at Scarborough, Me.

Jeff /Washington said:
Would love to but we are enroute to northern Vermont and Maine via upstate NY this time. Hope to spend winter of 2006-07 in Florida near my folks so we will try to make the Fall or Spring SE rallies.

Sorry you won't be through this way. We'll be in Florida this winter but are hoping to make it out west again in 2006-07. Looks like we might be on alternate schedules. :)


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