The Police are Never around when you need them.. Well usually..

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John From Detroit

Well-known member
Apr 12, 2005
Davison Michigan
Got my This is True newsletter today ( Subscriber's edition.

Car jacker points a gun at the passenger in a car and demands the car.
A FULLY MARKED POLICE CAR.. and yes, it was a man patrol.
(He got the back seat. he also got a nice pair of matching bracelets)
People who do this stuff aren't necessarily smart, or even in a properly conscious state of mind.
If you're going to least go for something nice?
In the spring? That makes no sense.

I met criminals in my youth that use to do stupid things to get caught in the fall and spend the winter "inside with three meals and a cot" but they knew what to do to be out by spring.
In 1962 as a rookie Army MP stationed at Ft Jay in NY Harbor, I was sent into the city to a Manhattan police station to pick up a runaway soldier wanted on post for a several thousand dollar theft. He had committed some minor vandalism in the city thinking that a couple months in jail on Rikers Island would be long enough that we'd quit looking for him. Apparently not being too bright, he was wearing his dog tags and had his military ID in his wallet. We were called within minutes of him turning himself in to the police.
Well... as a police dispatcher I've heard a lot of stories regarding the intellegence (Or rather the lack thereof) of Criminals.. but this one was one of the best
Another one was an armed robber
First he parked across the road from the store he was robbing... The marked patrol car was parked in front of the store.
Second... A gun store.. open and occupied by both staff. customers and the Deputy who drove parked the car (Having coffee with his friend the shop owner).

IDIOT pulled a gun.. His last mistake.
And now, universities must be training the latest batch of criminals! The universities are removing police from campuses because the students don't feel safe with police around. Imagine that! The only people that don't feel safe around police are criminals. Be ready for a new crime wave by college educated idiots.
We need to get used to the idea that not all cops are the good guys.

As long as police defend criminals within their ranks because of some "blue code" they will all get painted with the same brush.

This loss of respect within society is self inflicted. No Pity, respect must be earned!
Agreed! Most cops are good.

The trouble is that when my doorbell rings I now wonder if it's a good cop or a Derek Chauvin.

I'll no longer open the door for a cop because they can't police themselves and I don't feel safe taking a chance that I'll get a good one.

2 out of a hundred is a LARGE percentage!

The only people who can solve this are the Police themselves. If they want respect they need to weed out the bad apples.
Actually, citizens are the only ones that can fix this. Ever notice that you never hear about all the police related encounters that have the citizen cooperating and respectful of the cop even though they did or are suspected of doing something wrong? When parents inform their offspring that arguing with the cops is counter productive and could get them killed we will have less issues. Your reaction to the police drives their reaction to you. As a driving instructor once said, don't argue with the man with a ticket book and a gun.
I think a lot of the problem is the way police are being trained for the last few decades. They are no longer taught to think of people as victim or perpetrator, instead everything now is Subject A and Subject B, there is also a big us and them attitude,where them is everyone who is not a cop.

I live in a town of about 10,000 people, and recently had a (pleasant enough) encounter with a couple of young city cops who were out on patrol. It was a weekday afternoon and I was digging through the trunk of my car in the driveway of the house we recently bought when they stopped behind me rolled down their window and asked what I was doing. I replied that I was looking for a Phillips head screwdriver, as all the screw drivers I could find in the house were flat heads. This lead to a short conversation about cars, asking which engine mine had (Plum Crazy Purple 2010 Dodge Challenger SRT-8) , etc. While we were talking I could not help to notice their uniforms, and how militarized they have became with velcro tactical vest, holding all sorts of gear, one of the officers had a tactical cross draw holster on his vest, etc.

Long gone are the days of the solo cop driving around patrolling in a blue or brown uniform with a revolver in a leather holster on his hip, doing mostly nothing. I grew up in this town, which has not changed much in the last 50+ years, population has grown a little, but only 15-20%, crime is still relatively low, but worse than it was years ago, I blame drugs as they are more of an issue than they were 40 years ago. 30-35 years ago on a Saturday night after midnight we would have 2-3 city police cars patrolling around town, usually with a solo cop driving, on week nights it would be 1 or 2. Now it is not uncommon for there to be 10-15 each with 2 cops during the overnight hours on the weekends, and 8-10 even after midnight on a week night.
The hardest thing to confront is evil...

We can say it's because of this or because of that but in the end it's because of that one bad cop and the others that won't get rid of him/her.

It would be interesting to find out why cops are brave enough to bust into a drug lab to arrest the people inside but when it comes to getting rid of their own bad apples they become cowards.
The hardest thing to confront is evil...

We can say it's because of this or because of that but in the end it's because of that one bad cop and the others that won't get rid of him/her.

It would be interesting to find out why cops are brave enough to bust into a drug lab to arrest the people inside but when it comes to getting rid of their own bad apples they become cowards.
It can happen. A Law Enforcement agency near me just fired two
Cops for not showing up for a 911 call. Its a start
there is also a big us and them attitude,where them is everyone who is not a cop.
Almost. I was a radio technician who sometimes went to police stations to work on their radio stuff. I was considered one of the "us" to the cops. But before they knew who I was, I was a one of the "them".

As long as you work with or for the cops, you're treated as one. Anyway, that has been my experience with the CC of San Francisco.

I even got "professional courtesy" during a traffic stop in SF one time. Means I got out of a ticket just as a cop would.

-Don- Reno, NV
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And not all are the bad guys. Every group of people has the 2% or so that makes the other 98% look bad.

Unfortunately, it's the 2% we hear about the most.

-Don- Reno, NV
According to Paul Harvey the percentage with police is "less than 1/2 of one percent"
Detroit Police is considered by many to be a very corrupt department.
Their worst year 12 officers went to jail as prisoners.. 12 out of 3,000 is less than 1/2 of one percent.
Now that said.. I do know of smaller departments that have not done so well (1/2 of their staff).
I had NO contact with those officers however.. (But one of my supervisors did, he helped investigate them).

As for cops getting let off.. I've heard of that. On some minor stuff.. And one not so minor stop HOWEVER I have additional info on that case... He was not guilty as suspected (he was never charged) the problem was something else entirely (A legitimate medical issue I've seen in others).

But another high ranking officer with the offence that last one was suspected of (Who was in fact guilty of it) FIRED. (Well allowed to resign). As I said. The first one had a legitimate medical issue that mimics a crime (Driving Drunk).

But that said. the Department for which I worked (Civilian, not officer) has rather high standards from what I hear.

I know a few who have gotten "Busted" for one thing or another.. None for homicide however.
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