The scroll button on your mouse

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2005
Amazing tool that has more functions than the obvious. For the people who need help reading the fine print, just hold your CTRL button down and use your scroll button to enlarge the print. :eek:
Well I'll be darned. Didn't know that. Thanks for sharing Kenneth.
Is that an IE function? Didin't seem to have any effect when I tried it in Firefox. Whether Ctrl is pressed or not, my scroll button activates "scroll"

I have a Logitech multimedia mouse and the Logitech mouse drivers - might be different than the Windows default mouse driver.
RV Roamer said:
Is that an IE function? Didin't seem to have any effect when I tried it in Firefox. Whether Ctrl is pressed or not, my scroll button activates "scroll"

I have a Logitech multimedia mouse and the Logitech mouse drivers - might be different than the Windows default mouse driver.

Gary mine works with Firefox to magnify the text. There are a few things like some games where this trick does not work, but with Text it does.

Maybe Gary already has his text size at the largest so that the scroll can't enlarge the text any more????

I don't/won't use IE. It's working in Firefox. I have the Logitech wireless trackball and relevant drivers installed.
RV Roamer said:
Is that an IE function? Didin't seem to have any effect when I tried it in Firefox. Whether Ctrl is pressed or not, my scroll button activates "scroll"

I have a Logitech multimedia mouse and the Logitech mouse drivers - might be different than the Windows default mouse driver.

Gary, this site seems to indicate "more" vs. less mouse short cuts in Foxfire:
Gary:  I have the Logitech kb and mouse.  I didn't install any of the Logitech software.  The Windows kb and mouse drivers work fine.  I did the Ctrl+scroll thing, and it worked.  It enlarged the permanent labels but not the text and subject line of this email in process, which was interesting.

Every wanted to type special characters on your emails and such ?  Like a cent sign ? or a sterling pound  sign  ? 

or the trademark sign ? ? or even a dagger ( I like to use it as a cross) ?

All you need is to use your "alt" key and the numbers pad  :eek:

Here are the codes;
I misinterpreted Kenneth's instruction - I was pushing the scroll wheel (using it as a middle button). If I roll the scroll wheel it enlarges or reduces text size, just as advertised. 
Gosh  I can't believe that all you pro computer guys didn't know that.  My grandson, now 13 showed that to me 3 yrs ago when I had trouble reading this thing.  That really makes me feel good that I knew something that most didn't.  Never dawned on me that many of you didn't know this.  Shame on me for not asking.
There are zillions of short cuts and techniques, Shawn, so we all know (or perhaps merely remember) some that others do not. I already knew, for example, how to increase text size in my browser but used the View menu rather than the mouse trick. But the mouse thingie is handy, so I stand a chance of using it enough to remember it!  :D
Shayne:  Lotta things I don't know.    Fortunately Gary and JID and Jeff and many of the people on this forum are so patiently helpful.

It just never occurred to me that with all the knowledge, and believe me when I say I really and truely respect the vast knowledge of the great minds in this forum, didn't know about the scrolling.? Fortunately I've known it for a couple of years and only because a 10 yr old showed me.? That wan't a blast at anyone, it just never came up that sometimes it's hard for others to read.? Sorry if I offended anyone it surely wasn't intentional if I did.? It's just that I'm not that well versed on these things to think they didn't know
Shayne:  Don't give it a second thought.  Trivia like mouse operation quirks fall into two categories:  Stuff we've already forgotten and stuff we'll forget again.

RV Roamer said:
Is that an IE function? Didin't seem to have any effect when I tried it in Firefox. Whether Ctrl is pressed or not, my scroll button activates "scroll"

I have a Logitech multimedia mouse and the Logitech mouse drivers - might be different than the Windows default mouse driver.

Works with the MS wireless mouse on IE6

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