There's a music forum!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Active member
Jun 17, 2013
Dahlonega, GA. USA.
Hi All,
      I did an intro in the regular forum, but I just spotted that there's a music forum!
I spent most of my life working as a keyboard player and singer. I'm soon to be full-timing, and, of course, have made space for my keyboards in the rig.

I'm glad to see this forum here, and it seems to be quite lively too. Anyway, I was excited to see the music forum, and thought I'd do another intro here.
Edit: Moved link to profile.
How do fulltime RVers go about meeting up with other musicians on the road?  I'm new to this, and about to head out in my 5th wheel.  This forum looks to be promising, so I just registered.

All the best to you!
Choosingjoy said:
How do fulltime RVers go about meeting up with other musicians on the road?  I'm new to this, and about to head out in my 5th wheel.  This forum looks to be promising, so I just registered.
There are a lot of forum members who go to a rally in Quartzsite in the end of January. There are other rallys also. If you go to one you will meet forum members some of whom play instruments.

Or you can publish the campground you are staying in and invite musicians to come and join you. Or you could answer my PM.


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