Thetford Smart Tote

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Mick & Pat

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2006
Back in UK with RV
Any member considering the purchase of any of the Smart Tote portable waste holding tanks, be advised and purchase the handle part No. 40542 along with it unless already fitted.

I bought the 18 gallon Smart Tote without a handle and boy Oh boy do I now wish I'd bought one, 18 gallon of s**t weighs quite a lot and the position of the 'built in' handle means you  are having to carry a considerable amount of the tank & contents weight  :(

Tell me about it, the handle allows more leverage but as usual trying to buy one from the UK is starting to look imposable :(  I'd have a better chance walking in and out of Fort Knox with a brick of gold  :)
I suppose but as well as our ST not having the extension handle it has a single leg at the front instead of caster wheels, have emailed Thetford US to see if they could send BOTH handle and casters to Thetford UK.

Thanks for the idea though

If they won't send the wheels &/or handle, you might consider something like this, (a 'dolly') used for easily moving furniture around. They come in different sizes/weight capacities, although I realize it's one more thing to store. You can attach your own handle, or a rope.
Hi Tom, long time  no 'chat' we are still in the RV we shipped to the UK moving every 28 days from one CL site to another.  A CL for the other members is a site / location provided by a farmer or someone with at least 1 acre of flat lad who obtains a licence from one of the main clubs in the UK called The Caravan Club.

The land owner only has to provide fresh water and a facility to empty ones toilet tank. ONLY members of the Caravan club can use a CL and the maximum number of caravans or motorhomes permitted to use the CL at any one time is 5 and the maximum stay period is 28 days.

Cost per night for just a basic CL is about $8 this increases if electric hook up is provided max amperage 16amp or toilet / shower.

Back to Tom but if any one what/s more details regarding UK CL's just ask, good idea that dolly except 'sod's law' when I need to use the Smart Tote and this is the first time in 3 years its always on gravel which is no good for little wheels.
If it is a tethford I can not help you

If it is a barker I can.. They sell an after market handle, it will not fit a 10 gallon tote which is what i used to have, but it can be modified to fit one.. Should fit 15 to 25 gallons.

I do not think Barker makes an 18 though so...
John, thanks but the Smart Tote is made by Thetford. A dealer in the UK has just emailed me a price of ?47.28 + ?9.95 P&P + ?11.44 tax total ?68.67  or $110 at today's $-? rate
[quote author=Mick & Pat] its always on gravel which is no good for little wheels.[/quote]

Mick, most of the ones on this page have inflatable tyres that will roll over gravel, but would be a challenge to store. The Magna cart with a telescoping handle, on the same page, has (large) rigid tyres that will also work, and solves the storage issue. We store one of these aboard our boat, and use it when we visit distant ports and need to do some 'local' shopping for heavy items. It does mean that the portable tank won't be horizontal, but I assume that's no different than dragging the tank on its own wheels.
Tom the UK RV accessories suppler wants ?66.19 + PP + 20% tax for a caster wheel the handle that I previously mentioned was ?47.29 + PP + 20% tax

I may have to buy the handle but the caster I'm going to visit one of our large UK hardware stores and buy a caster wheel and attach it to the front centre leg of the ST  :)

How will a caster wheel work on gravel?

.... gravel which is no good for little wheels.

B & Q has a couple of options:

This but hard to storein the coach.

This (the handle detaches), similar to something I've used in the past, although it doesn't have good reviews.
Nice wheels Mick; For some reason, when you previously mentioned caster wheel I was thinking small diameter and non-inflatable. How will you attach them to the tank?
Tom,the two wheel Smart Tote tanks come with a leg and round foot that looks a bit like an upside down mushroom, I'm hoping to buy a square piece of steel the same size a the one on those wheels that have the four holes for attachment.

I will then get my son at his works to drill or burn out a hole in the centre of the plate allowing it to drop over the 'leg' and sandwich the round part between securing it with four bolts.............well that's the plan.

Mick  :)
Sounds better than screwing them to the tank  ;D

Be sure to post a picture(s) when you're done, because I'm sure they'll be helpful to someone in the future. Thanks.

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