Those Google ads

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Jan 13, 2005
I've had recent conversations with several folks commenting on some ad or other repeatedly appearing on various web sites they visit. My simplified answer is something like:

Most of those ads are served by Google adsense. Google uses a complex algorithm to determine which ad(s) to serve, based on your personal search and browsing history. They identify you courtesy of a cookie deposited on your computer. If you click on the right-facing chevron near the top of the such an ad you'll see some information and a link to set your ad preferences.

With nothing better to do, last evening I did a little research and came up with some (interesting?) reading for the paranoid:
I'd suggest cookie monster as well, at least some sort of cookie management add on.
Using Adblock doesn't prevent you being tracked by Google, especially if you're a ChromeBook user; In the latter case, Google knows your every online move.
FWIW here's our published privacy policy. The only change we've made in some years was when Google previously (2009) requested that all webmasters review their privacy policy and specifically include the DoubleClick reference.
Firefox doesn't work on a Chrome book.
What can I say, there is Hostess.. The now defunct company that made twinkies. And there is Hostess.exe, a program that modifies your HOSTS file on your computer.

I put Google adsense in the host file, it directs calls to Google adsense to and of course, it's not there.
I use a free program called "Do Not Track Me".

My computer sped up substantially after installing that. Many ads are now just blank spaces.  My computer no longer gets bogged down with tracking cookies.

The first time you visit some websites and social media outlets, it might act funny, but usually within 24 hours, the site is looking fine again, minus the tracking ads, minus the tracking cookies. 

"Do Not Track me" takes advantage of a little known law.  I love the program, have been using it well over a year now. 
Do you folks, who do not want to see any adds, want the free services we enjoy now start to be fee based. Seems to me the old saying "Not in my back yard", is now "Not on my screen, or computer"
jim and di said:
Do you folks, who do not want to see any adds, want the free services we enjoy now start to be fee based.
It doesn't matter whether I see the ads or not. I have never clicked on an ad and I never will. I make a point of not looking at billboards when I am driving. I turn the sound off on my TV when a commercial comes on and usually open my Chromebook and surf the web for 3 minutes till the commercial is over. If a web site becomes fee based then I will go to another web site. I don't consider any web site "essential".

Anyone who starts a web site thinking they are going to make money off of ads has a rotten business model that is probably doomed to failure. I ran a web site for 8 years called Graphics Depot that was very popular. I had a ton of traffic. I made money by selling products. For a few months I put some banner ads up. About one in a million hits on the site were on the banner ads. They were basically a complete bust. I think my biggest monthly check was $6. Tom might do better here with his ads since they are targeted, but I really doubt he makes enough off of those ads to pay him a decent salary.

I consider commercials a blight on the world. Sell products or sell services and you are probably going to make a lot of money. Sell ads and it is extremely tough to make a living.
but I really doubt he makes enough off of those ads to pay him a decent salary.

FWIW I've never tried to make money from this forum, but the  few sponsor ads and the kind contributions of forum members sure help keep the lights on.
Gary RV Roamer said:
The folks at the major TV networks would probably disagree.  ;)
I did not say it was impossible, I said it was extremely tough. If it was easy then everyone would be starting their own network and making a lot of money. That's why there are only a handful of networks that make money. Compare that to the number of businesses making money selling services or products.

Now if you were going to start a business today would you want to sell services, products or commercials?

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