Time to stop lurking...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 9, 2013
Anderson, MO
Hello! New here, been lurking for a little bit to get the hang of the place, and this seems to be a diverse, friendly and knowledgeable group. Will most likely need the knowledge as we have upgraded our camping facilities slightly - we just got a 2000 Rexhall Aerbus 3550BSL. Our previous, well also current as we will still use it, is a Bunkhouse tent camper that we pull behind our Goldwing trike. We will be getting a trailer so we can pull the trike.

Glad to be here,

Welcome Don, boy when you upgrade you do it up big!  I think you will enjoy a few amenities that the new rig will provide!  Come back and post anytime, we have a pretty good bunch of folks here always ready to help out.
Welcome! And you are right, this is a great place for RV knowledge. and everyone is very friendly. Goodluck with your new coach.
ozarkryder said:
Hello! New here, been lurking for a little bit to get the hang of the place, and this seems to be a diverse, friendly and knowledgeable group. Will most likely need the knowledge as we have upgraded our camping facilities slightly - we just got a 2000 Rexhall Aerbus 3550BSL. Our previous, well also current as we will still use it, is a Bunkhouse tent camper that we pull behind our Goldwing trike. We will be getting a trailer so we can pull the trike.

Glad to be here,


I got a good laugh out of you referencing yourself as a lurker. :) Welcome Don and congrats on your Upgrade!
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