Tioga Class C M-26-Q What is with the super high step?

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New member
Jul 27, 2017
Very aggravating........

That step up from the metal step to the RV is EXTREMELY high. More than my knees can handle.
Any ideas? I don't think there is a replacement step, or steps, where the top step sits higher...or something like that.  I need a setup that is quick and east to use.
No idea....yet.
Any advice or experience with this kind of setup?


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I've seen a couple high steps like that and always wondered what the manufacturers were thinking, or NOT thinking, when they put them on.

I've seen people put a little step stool out but all I can think of is a twisted ankle sooner or later with the step stool.
What are the dimensions from the ground to the top of the step and from the top of the step to the bottom of the door.

With the step all the way retracted, is there allot space between the top of the step and the underside of the RV?

What I'm getting to is if there is a huge difference with the rise dimension, and you have some clearance with the step retracted, can you bolt on a piece of wood like maybe a 2" X 10" to the top of the step.

Oh and welcome to the forum.
We always carried a portable folding step for situations where the entry step ended up uncomfortably high. That happened whenever we leveled the coach and the front end was raised higher than usual.  Here are some examples :


The OP's issue is the distance from the door opening to the step, not the step to the ground. I agree, that looks like a ridiculously long step. I just put a new set on my MH. Mine are power and there are two steps. There is an actual cut-out in the body of my MH, which makes the top step a reasonable distance from the door opening.

This one

GeorgeandTheBear said:
The OP's issue is the distance from the door opening to the step, not the step to the ground. I agree, that looks like a ridiculously long step. I just put a new set on my MH. Mine are power and there are two steps. There is an actual cut-out in the body of my MH, which makes the top step a reasonable distance from the door opening.

This one


That's correct George.  There does not yet seem to be a specific solution and yet, there many of these units out there.  It's almost like I need a two step manual or electric, but, the first step when extracted actually goes up about 9 inches.  FYI the distance between the ground and the first landing step is 23 inches!!! 
Rene T said:
What are the dimensions from the ground to the top of the step and from the top of the step to the bottom of the door.

With the step all the way retracted, is there allot space between the top of the step and the underside of the RV?

What I'm getting to is if there is a huge difference with the rise dimension, and you have some clearance with the step retracted, can you bolt on a piece of wood like maybe a 2" X 10" to the top of the step.

Oh and welcome to the forum.

So I checked and there is a bit over 3 inches from the top of the step to the bottom of the RV.  I presume you are asking to see if it can easily fold.  Well, I like your Idea very much and Will look into mounting a 2-3 inch think piece of wood onto the step and see what effect that has. 
Also, from the ground to the landing it is 23 inches....crazy.
Momo said:
So I checked and there is a bit over 3 inches from the top of the step to the bottom of the RV.  I presume you are asking to see if it can easily fold.  Well, I like your Idea very much and Will look into mounting a 2-3 inch think piece of wood onto the step and see what effect that has. 
Also, from the ground to the landing it is 23 inches....crazy.

23"???? Wow. That's crazy. If you do add a board on top, you are definitely going to need a folding portable step like Gary provided to put on the ground.

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