There should be several numbers following the DOT letters, not just "4H93". If you don't see a longer string of numbers in the place you are looking, find another "DOT" somewjere else on the tire. It may be on the back side. You want the last group of numbers, which will be slightly separated from the rest and be either 3 or 4 numbers, depending on whether the tires were made before 2000 or not.
The complete DOT (Department of Transportation) code is in the following format: DOT MMM SS TTT DDDD where MMM is a 3 digit manufacturer ID; SS is a tire size 2 digit code; TTT is an optional tire type code; and DDDD is the date of manufacture code where the first 2 digits indicate the week of manufacture and the second two digits are the year, i.e.: 2802 would indicate that the tire was manufactured the 28th week of 2002. If made before July,2000, the last group will be only three digits, WWY, where WW is the week and Y is the last digit of the year.