To Drink or not to Drink

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Some time ago I bought a water testing gizmo to test house water at the suggestion of a friend. Had it laying around unopened for the longest time until my wife who was on my case for going too long without sanitizing, opened it and started doing some tests. House water was within "normal" range of things this thing tested for. But when she tested the coach water, it was off the scale-- on the negative side.

No idea if anything found was the least bit harmful or even that accurate, but the point was made and we sanitized soon after. :)

Even sanitized we don't drink park water preferring to carry several gallon containers that we always refill at water fill outlets for around $.25/gallon.
Some time ago I bought a water testing gizmo to test house water at the suggestion of a friend. Had it laying around unopened for the longest time until my wife who was on my case for going too long without sanitizing, opened it and started doing some tests. House water was within "normal" range of things this thing tested for. But when she tested the coach water, it was off the scale-- on the negative side.

No idea if anything found was the least bit harmful or even that accurate, but the point was made and we sanitized soon after. :)

Even sanitized we don't drink park water preferring to carry several gallon containers that we always refill at water fill outlets for around $.25/gallon.
And the water fill outlets get their water from …
We use reverse osmosis water filter followed by a Uv ultraviolet purifier no mater what the source of water. Same design (only smaller) at S&B on well water. No worries mate!

My thoughts are, when it is time to go.. go quietly.... not screaming like the passengers in the back of my aircraft.....
Thinking about our "worst water, ever" trips.

Southern Minnesota. They have problems with "orange water" (extremely high iron content). It's exceptionally hard with tons of calcium too, and will etch. And it has an orange/brown color.

A place we visited in Montana had really high sulphur content. Stinky water.

With the geographic variation of water quality and treatment, there really is good reason to filter or use different water for drinking.
People are saying that they drink contaminated water and are still alive therefore the water must have been pure and uncontaminated. This is unsound logic - plain and simple. Their logic is that anything that does not kill you within 30 years is 100% safe and all illness, diseases or conditions are not related to anything in our environment, again, not sound logic at all. Yet, they will still reply with their crazy logic and argue contaminated water is safe for you to drink.
Flouride is added to water in most municipalities. This is not the stuff that occurs naturally, it is a byproduct of smelting and an industrial waste and if the industry dumps it into rivers they will get a very big fine, so how is this waste disposed of? It is barreled up and sent to water treatment plants and put into our drinking water supply to help our teeth, or so they say. No fines for this disposal of toxic waste. Yes, your drinking water is contaminated with multiple toxins. It is just too costly to try to clean all the contaminates out of water that is 97% not used for consumption. They have decided that you as a citizen can sanitize your drinking water and let the contaminated water used for non consumption go largely untreated. You can drink tap water for decades and survive. Again, whether you die or not is not the discussion, but just wait for it, someone will chime in and proclaim how they are still alive....

Did you know that in the early 1970's china also went to the Moon, and the Russians? If you want entertainment go watch the china moon landing footage. It is hilarious, and worse than those bad 1960's Godzilla movies from Japan. Yet nobody talks about china's trip to the moon or how they were able to do it 50 years ago yet nasa has lost the technology to go to the moon and it is too cost prohibitive to go back...
Growing up in a farming and ranching community I drank water out of garden hoses, stock tanks and holes in rocks where rain water collected. In Vietnam the water sources were even more questionable, so I really have no issues with drinking water out of an RV fresh water tank that was designed to supply fresh water to a living quarters.
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