Touch up painting aluminum

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Feb 10, 2015
I bought a used camper and the caulk at the corners was a mess. Long story short, I have all the caulk off but got down to bare metal in several spots. Planning on painting about a 2" wide strip along the whole corner. Should end up looking like a trim or accent.

Not sure what kind of paint to use. Mostly going over the existing paint, but bare aluminum in some spots. Should I spray an aluminum primer over the whole strip? 

Any help would be appreciated
we bought a used RV had patches all over of paint gone, used rustoleum white spray gloss paint from home depot and it came out good, here you can see before and after


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Should I spray an aluminum primer over the whole strip? 

I would...depending on your color you may want to get a white primer for just the bare aluminum for better color consistancy when finished.. Once the primer's dry scuff the entire surface, new and old, then top coat with the color of your choice.
I'd also go to the Autoparts store and get Duplicolors automotive paints... better quality than everyday spraypaint from the dime-store.
If any of the aluminium is exposed I would highly suggest a primer to better results. But I don't see any problem to just doing a "Krylon TuneUp"...  ;)
Many automotive paint stores will have a self-etching aluminum primer in a rattle can.  I have used it on marine applications and it works well.

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