We used an A-frame tow bar similar to the one Harbor Freight sells, currently on sale for $69.99, and rated at 5,000 lbs, although mine was American made rather than Chinese made. I still needed some way to attach the tow bar to the towed vehicle, and had something fabricated for this purpose.
When I arrived at my destination and unhooked the car from the motorhome, I had the choice of driving the car around with the A-frame sticking up above the hood (illegal in some states if too high), or completely removing and storing the tow bar. By contrast, the Blue Ox and Roadmaster tow bars stay attached to the motorhome and telescope.
One disadvantage of the A-frame is that it's more difficult to get it aligned than the telescoping kind when hooking up. Also, since we now tow a Suburban, it far exceeds the rating of the Harbor Freight A-frame. We opted for a Roadmaster tow bar rated at 10,000 lbs.