Tow ratings for late model SUVs

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New member
Jan 25, 2006
Does anyone know if there is a free website out there that has Tow Ratings for later model SUVs?  Specifically I am looking for  93-94 Blazers with a 5.7 ltr V8, or a Ford Bronco with either the 5.0 or the 5.8 ltr V8.  Thinking about a purchase as a dedicated tow vehicle. 

Trailer Life used to publish them - see for 1999-2000. They also offer reprints of prior years.

A magazine called Family Fun on the Water also publishes towing info - see

You have to have the specific body style, engine, transmission and rear axle info to get an accurate number, but the ones published for a model/engine combination are a fair ballpark figure.
hoss0067 said:
Does anyone know if there is a free website out there that has Tow Ratings for later model SUVs?? Specifically I am looking for? 93-94 Blazers with a 5.7 ltr V8, or a Ford Bronco with either the 5.0 or the 5.8 ltr V8.? Thinking about a purchase as a dedicated tow vehicle.?


Trailer Life has them at    The Bronco was discontinued in 1996 and so is not all that late.  Howeve, I have a 1995.  The tow rating for it is 6600#  for the 5.0L and 7000# for the 5.4L V8 and auto transmission.  Discount those ratings by at least 15-20% at this late date in the truck's operating life.  BTW I am talking about the full sized Bronco.  The Bronco II is hopeless as a tow vehicle.
Carl Lundquist said:
The tow rating for it is 6600# for the 5.0L and 7000# for the 5.4L V8 and auto transmission.

Carl, were there optional rear end ratios for the Bronco that would change those numbers?

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