Tow vehicle????????

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New member
Nov 8, 2006
Hi!  I am new to this forum.  I have been reading it for months, but we finally bought our first trailer.  It is a 2003 Starcraft Aruba 28 DBS.  My problem is what to tow this with.  I own a 1998 Toyota Landcruiser V-8.  Will this work?  I have been told that the wheel base is to short.  I have also been told that the Toyota will work fine.  Talk about confusing.  I thought maybe someone out there in the real world could help.  If you do not think the Toyota would work, do you have another idea for a tow vehicle.  What about a conversion van.  By the way, the trailer weight is 5700.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have 2 kids and 5 dogs so a reg truck wont work.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,
What is the gross vehicle weight of that trailer?  You will find the GVWR on a DOT plate on the drivers side front of the trailer.
Term confusion.  The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is not the empty weight, it is the trailer weight plus the maximum payload.  This rating can be found on the DOT plate where I described it.  You need that figure to judge what tow vehicle you need.  An alternate and a better number would be the scaled weight of the trailer as loaded for travel.   However a GVWR will do for our purposes here. 

The Landcruiser will be a marginal tow vehicle at best -- not because of wheel base but because of tow weight capacity.

Look for that plate.

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