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Active member
Jul 25, 2005
East Berlin Pa.
Hello Everyone,
  I was wondering if anyone had any experience towing with Remco Drive Shaft Coupling. I have a 2004 Chevy S-10 ,auto 4x4. When I contacted GM they said it could not be towed 4 down at all , and could not be towed on a Dollie. Remco assured me with the DSC I would not have a problem. Remco has a very good reputation as a company but have not found any feed back on the DSC. The other question was what is done with the steering system?

                                                                                                                                                                Thanks Bill
We've been towing with the REMCO DSC for over 5 years now. Love it, just as easy, maybe even faster and easier, than the Jeep setup. REMCO gives great service, broke the shaft collar on a midnite 4wd trip and REMCO had a new collar at my dealer in 3 days (had to build one). Other than that, no issues. Highly recommended. As for the steering, the ignition key is inserted and moved to the lowest position that unlocks the steering column. That varies by manufacturer. It should be indicated in your owner's manual.
Thanks I appreciate the information. This is the system I will be using. Glad to here the longevity you have received.I am checking on some breaking systems, might as well get every thing hooked up at once. Thanks again. Bill
I do not use a Drive Shaft disconnect but do know how they work, I use an Axle Lock which is a bit different.

But in both cases the technology is older than I am and the mean time between failures... Well, I have heard of one that vibrated a bit (I suspect improper instalation) but I've never heard of one outright failing.  There are really only two parts on the disconnect that can fail

The second of these is the control cable (And it's a simple cable, you can get replacements anywhere)

The first (in order of likelihood of failure) is the operator (YOU)
I recently had my Chevy Tahoe done and a unified braking system and blue ox tow assembly installed. I've only towed it about 50 miles so far, but have driven for about month. No vibrations. Going full time 1 June!!! Busy trying to get everything done. Damn, I hate packing.

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