tranny fluid

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New member
Dec 25, 2005
I have A class a Pursuit by G.B. and it is a 94 Chevy chassie 454. The tranny is a 408 somthing?4 speed overdrive. How often should you change the tranny fluid? I would like to install a temp. gage also I am using this for work due to the huricanes so I pull my completlly restored 80 chevy silverado 4x4. I feel it back there but the 454 has plenty of power for the job. If the tranny is not happy I need to know!!!
Any ideas on where to insall a gage and how often to change the fluid
My extended warranty policy says to change the tranny fluid every 20,000 miles.  Sounds reasonable to me the way these things are used.  Mine holds 16 quarts and I changed it 5000 miles ago, myself.
Changing the fluid (you should also change the filters, if any) is a job that can be anything from fairly simple to very hard, the job depends on the desing of both the transmission and the motorhome and what tools you have... IE: a proper lub rack can be of great assistance if the motor home has low ground clearence,,, On the other hand if it's got great ground clearance... Well... then you don't necessarly need the lub rack.

As for adding the temperture guage... That job varies with the guage and/or it's sensor, IN some cases it is as simple as removing and replacing one bolt,,, rujnning the wires and plugging it in....Other cases. it's a lot harder
THere should be a tranny fluid change interval specified in the owners manual for the chassis. If you don't have one, you can probabl pick one up on ebay.  But 20-30,000 miles is the right range - clean fluid is one of the best things you can do for the tranny, other than keeping it as cool as possible.  I also suggest synthetic fluid - it holds up to heat better than naturals.

A tranny temp gauge is an excellent idea.
You have the 4L80E transmission. On most trans temp gauges I installed them in the "hot" oil cooler line, that's the line going to the cooler. That will show the hottest temp the fluid sees but will also result in a much more active gauge. Installing the gauge in the pan will show the average temp of the fluid resevoir and a more stable gauge reading. In my pickups the sender is in the cooler line but on my M/H it is in the pan, for ease of access.

I had a slipping lockup torque converter in a 2000 model 4L80E. Along with a new converter and synthetic fluid I also installed a Trans-go 4L80E HD2 valve body upgrade kit. The kit really helped the mushy shifts firm up, not harsh just firmer and the T/C engaged more solidly. If you ever need to have the trans pulled for something I'd recommend having this installed.
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