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That's funny you saying I have my head buried in the sand. How do you know they were knee jerk layoffs?

Because 3 days later he's already trying to "undo" laying off several key employees responsible for running the Twitter infrastructure. Oops.
I think this thread is way way in overtime and has run it's course,, back off the personal bickering, it serves no purpose..>>>Dan
I liked the original concept of FB - a way for friends & family to keep in touch and share their happenings. But that doesn't put revenue into Meta's pocket, so it had to evolve to something else. America doesn't like subscription services much, so "free" (ad-supported) was the way they went, selling access to me as their product. Then came the political culture wars and seemingly everybody took to FB to tell the rest of us what is wrong with our lives or how others are seeking to destroy us. Now, if a friend does post something of mutual interest in our lives, chances are i will miss it in the constant proselytizing.
Agree with the first sentence. I dropped Fakebook several years ago after the censorship and corruption got out of hand in my mind. Only thing I miss is seeing what family and friends are doing. But I lived before Fakebook and will continue to live without it.
Facebook has its place. As an RVer it is super valuable. Instant answers to RV and travel related questions, and for an RVer who tows with an electric vehicle even more so. The only thing Facebook lacks is archival information which these old boards can be good for.

Meh, use the parts that are useable and ignore the rest.

Twitter I don’t use at all.
There is more to the internet than social media.

I sure hope so, although it is social media that puts the internet in jeopardy here in the US, with certain, ahem, groups wanting to roll back Section 230.

Same thing with regulating the internet as a utility. The same group believes too many people would have access to good information if the internet was a utility and it was to be made available to all households.
Agree with the first sentence. I dropped Fakebook several years ago after the censorship and corruption got out of hand in my mind. Only thing I miss is seeing what family and friends are doing. But I lived before Fakebook and will continue to live without it.
Corruption is a nebulous word, what corruption did you see?
Zuck let a lot of stuff happen on the platform before he implemented heavier moderation. He was coerced into doing so. Essentially he knew there were foreign adversaries attempting to influence voters with false information and his platform let it fly for a number of years.

So this is one instance where I agree, there was corruption.

Today’s announcement that he is letting 11,000 workers go is unfortunate. It speaks to the fact that social media is actually held accountable by the people who use it and spend money there.

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