UFO or Space X Falcon ???

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
Southern California
Noticed a strange looking light in the sky this evening as we were walking back to our motorhome.  The  light which was quite bright was in the Western sky and moving slowly toward us.  It was engulfed in a cloud.  I thought it might be a drone since it was not moving fast and had what appeared to be headlights.  At first it appeared to be coming toward us.  Then it appeared to be backing away.  After a couple minutes it turned and moved in a southerly direction before disappearing in the night sky.  This occurred over a 4 to 5 minute period. 

I was hoping UFO, but a quick Google search suggested maybe the Space X Falcon launch from Vandenberg which occurred about the same time. 


  • Light above Carson City 1.jpg
    Light above Carson City 1.jpg
    227.6 KB · Views: 54
I live close to Kennedy Space Center in Florida and I have seen dozens of launches. Never have I seen one that looked like that. Cool photo Lou. :))
Glad to see things are becoming more active at Vandenberg AFB.  I have been there many times when in the Air Force as the Minuteman missile field was my specialty. Even got to launch one on a test mission back in 1966.  The simulated warhead made a splashdown in the lagoon at Kwajalein Island.  In the early 70s while assigned as a missile test launch monitor at March AFB in Riverside I had the duty to get all the big shots on a conference call just before a test launch and they could listen to the countdown and launch.  The next morning I came in early and got the impact results and briefed them to the General's morning gathering.  Rarely was there a failure or missed target.  We always had a bunch of phone calls from the LA area after every launch.  We got to saying that 100 new religions were formed after every launch and that may have been partially true.......lol

That was a great video of the Space X Falcon launch.  Not to hijack the thread but here is a video of a Minuteman test launch from a silo at Vandenberg.  It goes a bit faster than the Falcon.

Taken with an iPhone 8 on the beach just north of Ventura. You can see the booster lighting a few times on desent and finally dropping behind a hill to the Vanderberg pad.

SCVJeff said:
Taken with an iPhone 8 on the beach just north of Ventura. You can see the booster lighting a few times on descent and finally dropping behind a hill to the Vandenberg pad.

Thanks Jeff, that is way too cool. The beach just north of Ventura is called The Rincon. Great surfing and camping beach.
SeilerBird said:
Thanks Jeff, that is way too cool. The beach just north of Ventura is called The Rincon. Great surfing and camping beach.
i know. Been coming here for years, but the space scammers have finally ruined it for everyone. They've gone to reservation only as opposed to drive up. O well

Thats the second launch I've seen from here, the last being at 4:30 in the morning. Both launches were crystal clear
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