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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2014
I thought Tom would enjoy this.

Once you get into you tube watch the one with he and Tommy Emmanuel too.
Aye, Jake is an outstanding player, and I'm always in awe watching his videos. I missed his visit(s) to the Bay area, but a friend had Jake 'autograph' his uke.
My ex and I used to go to Bluegrass festivals 30+ years ago and I loved that experience. I used to play stand-up bass but no longer. I am wondering what instrument I should take up? I have considered a hammer dulcimer. It is so good to know that there will be music out there when I start my new adventure!
One reason I chose the ukulele was because of its small size, although I find myself taking more than one uke along in the coach.

I'd love to be able to play a bass, and considered buying one, but the thought of an instrument with no frets scares me  :-[
Haven't seen an upright bass with frets, but then I haven't looked very hard. I always thought of a bass like a trombone; One either has to be very accurate, or very lucky.

It's not that long ago that I erased the magic marker dots from the white keys of my keyboard. I can read music, and know where middle C is on a keyboard or piano, but have to mentally count to find all the other notes  :-[ I envisioned having to "draw frets" on the neck of an upright bass  ???
Tom said:
Haven't seen an upright bass with frets, but then I haven't looked very hard. I always thought of a bass like a trombone; One either has to be very accurate, or very lucky.
No you don't have to be accurate or lucky. Bass notes are much harder to hear when they the pitch is slightly off. If you start playing one and the pitch is slightly off your fingers will fix it. Have you noticed how a lot of singers will never hit a note and stay on that pitch? Most of the good ones will start a vibrato on any held note. This is done for two reasons. One, it is much harder to hear that a note is wrong if it has vibrato applied to it and two, if the original note is wrong it is very easy to fix it and no one will notice. Same exact thing with a sting instrument or trombone for that matter. Never just hold a note, vibrato it. If you want to hear the ultimate guitar vibrato just listen to BB King.
Maybe this trick will stop folks booing my singing and playing  ???

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