URL for an interesting slideshow

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2005
Here is a fun presentation.


The presenter does his talk with a "slideshow" in a truly new way. He makes his subject appealing, though it is something you would never consider ever bothering to listen too or think much about.
rhmahoney said:
Here is a fun presentation.


The presenter does his talk with a "slideshow" in a truly new way. He makes his subject appealing, though it is something you would never consider ever bothering to listen too or think much about.

WOW!!! Well done. Thanks for sharing, Russ.  ;D  ;D 

I am feeling better,
Thanks for sharing this ... I am still working and I will be able to use this style ... I think he must looking at a preview screen and advancing it manually.  Would there be another way?

He's looking at his PC while the audience is looking at a projection on the big screen. The projector is probably hooked to his PC (digitally) and he's advancing through the slides (on his PC) with a wireless remote. Or at least, that's how I'd do it  ;D
I certainly didn't expect to find something on the forum that would help me at work!  ;D

I am currently an instructor in a commercial utility.  In most instances, these days, classroom instruction largely consists of bulletted PowerPoint presentations.  For the last several months, I have been getting away from that, because bulletted PowerPoint presentations stifle innovation and have turned into crutches for some instructors and presenters.  They also tend to put people to sleep.

The one problem that I see with the "slideshow" is that a tremendous amount of prep work had to go into it and he had to have it down pat to keep the flow going.  I'm more of a facilitative kind of instructor with a high amount of give and take between me and my students, but some variation on his theme may be useful.

Even though the original posting was back in October, one of the great things about forums is the ability to come upon a gem like this that can be useful.  Thanks, Russ, for posting the link!  :D

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