Using Google Maps offline

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Cell signal around here is spotty and some friends visiting from out of the area were touring some of the area sites. They use Google Maps but figured that would be of limited uses given the cell reception. They were unfamiliar with using Google Maps offline so I gave them some basic info as to how to download maps for offline use. Worked great.

I expect most here already know how it works but thought it might be a useful tip for some. Just search for something like "using google maps offline" and there's tons of info out there.
Thanks for posting that. I've never used google maps offline, and always assumed I'd need to be online. Just looked up the procedure, and it seems quite simple.
Tom said:
Thanks for posting that. I've never used google maps offline, and always assumed I'd need to be online. Just looked up the procedure, and it seems quite simple.

I go a bit overboard keeping offline maps (you have to "refresh" them regularly) of just about every area I travel in which includes virtually all of the Northeast. They do take up storage space but at least with my Android phone & tablet I have the option to store offline maps to my external SD card. I have a 64GB SD card installed so never worry about taking up too much space.
jymbee said:
Cell signal around here is spotty and some friends visiting from out of the area were touring some of the area sites. They use Google Maps but figured that would be of limited uses given the cell reception. They were unfamiliar with using Google Maps offline so I gave them some basic info as to how to download maps for offline use. Worked great.

I expect most here already know how it works but thought it might be a useful tip for some. Just search for something like "using google maps offline" and there's tons of info out there.
Google offline map functionality is quite handy in areas with poor cell reception, though I've been caught up in a situation where I expected an area to have cell reception only to find they're not well covered without having downloaded the offline maps for that place.
It is a very useful feature, indeed.  We used it many times in our travels this summer.  Once it's been used, Google seems to, at times, presume to know (and suggest) downloading the maps because of "spotty" cell coverage.  Your device does have to have a gps built in though.
I too keep downloaded Google Maps for the areas where I regularly travel, and refresh them whenever prompted. Using them is transparent - the Maps app just uses then whenever online maps are slow or inaccessible.
And... for those like me who did not realize you could do that, here is the location that describes how it is done:

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