Using IE to access the forum

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Tom, Ned, or anyone,

I have used Netscape 7.2 as my default browser for years and like it.  Whenever I want to use IE I have a shortcut that has the following command in it.

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

It seems to me that there is a way to add more to  this command so that when I click on the shortcut I will not only access IE but go directly to the logon screen of the RV Forum.

My question is, "How do you do it?"  Does anybody know?

BTW, I love the spell checker...thanks Tom!


What it seems you need to do is set the forum home page as your home page in IE. To do that, fire up IE, navigate to the forum (, then click Tools|InternetOptions|General and, where in the Home Page box click "Use current page". Then, every time you open IE you'll come directly here.

Alternatively, copy and paste the URL above directly into the Home Page box in IE.
I use IE exclusively, with all updates and service paks installed.? In order to quickly launch the RV Forum, you can do as Tom suggests and set the RV Forum as your homepage in IE.

Another option is when the RV Forum homepage opens in your IE window,? go to? ? FAVORITES |? ADD TO FAVORITES? ?in the drop down menu.? Want to make it even easier??

From your START menu, select FAVORITES and find the shortcut to the RV RIGHT CLICK on the RV Forum and select? SEND TO? ?DESKTOP (create shortcut).

That will result in a shortcut to the RV Forum being available on your desktop so when you launch the shortcut, if IE is your default browser, IE will open and the RV Forum will appear.

Assuming you? have logged in "Forever", the page will open for you ready to participate.

CLICK HERE for more tips on using IE

Hope this helps.
First, friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer :) but if you must, you can drag the forum address from the address bar in IE to the desktop to create a URL shortcut.  Double click that and IE will open in the forum.  Of course, this will only work if IE is the default browser.  If not, the forum will open in the default browser.

Thanks for the ideas.  All three worked.  For general followup info, here are the results.

TOM:  As you suggested, I set up the RV Forum as my home page in IE and so when I access IE, which I seldom do, it goes directly to the RV Forum.  The nice part is that this did NOT change my default home page, which is Google, when using my beloved  Netscape 7.2.

STEVE:  Another great idea.  I did put the RV Forum as a favorite in IE, at the top of the favorites list, so that after accessing IE all one needs to do is go to the favorites and click on RV Forum.

NED:  This works perfectly too.  But, as you know, I do not want to make IE my default browser because I am still hooked on NetScape 7.2.  I have used it since Version 1 (about 10 years ago).  At that time I was a beta tester!

All three great ideas...thanks guys,

Grab a copy of firefox at . It is Netscape's younger, more agile and better looking younger brother.  Using it there is no need for IE.  ;D
dneighbo said:
Grab a copy of firefox at . It is Netscape's younger, more agile and better looking younger brother.  Using it there is no need for IE.  ;D

Not quite accurate. There are still a lot of websites out there that do not function well, if at all, with FF. I have to open IE to be able to use those sites.
BernieD said:
Not quite accurate. There are still a lot of websites out there that do not function well, if at all, with FF. I have to open IE to be able to use those sites.

Have had no problem like you mention using iRider.  I tried both and decided it was worth paying for iRider even though FF was free.
Ron said:
Have had no problem like you mention using iRider.  I tried both and decided it was worth paying for iRider even though FF was free.

It isn't necessarily the price but the usability. FF has a lot of people working on improving it constantly and newer and better extensions and plug-ins keep being added.

Sure glad I use Netscape 7.2  98% of the time and IE the rest.  They both have been very stable and acces everything I have ever tried to access.  Also, Bill personally sends me security updates regularly.


I have carried access to the Forum one step further. I set the Forum as my I.E. home page as explained above. Next I created a hotkey shortcut to I.E. by left clicking on the desktop I.E. icon. Next right click the icon and select Properties. There is a place to create a shortcut key. I use Clear + Alt + E. Now any time I am logged on to the Internet, just hitting the shortcut keys takes me directly to I.E. with the Forum opened to it's home page.




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Because I still use NetScape 7.2 most of the time I set up IE with the forum as my homepage.  On the other hand, that is a cute trick you set up for yours.


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