Vegas RV repair recommendation

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Mar 3, 2019
On our way out of the snow and cold and headed south and found out refrigerator stopped working while parked this winter. Vegas will be the first big city we hit in the sun belt. Can anyone recommend a good place to go there for refrigerator repair?
Will it operate on either Propane or 120VAC. Or does it NOT operate at all?
We have used Johnny Walker and like them. I suggest you call and book a space for whomever you choose as they will be busy....

I know there are mobile repairmen too but not dealt with any. Perhaps a local might be able to help...
Thanks for  suggestions, I'll check those guys out. Fridge wont run on gas or electric. I'm thinking control panel.
FWIW, we went to Johnny Walker 2 yrs ago. When they checked it, it worked fine. Only thing we can think of was snow packed into the roof vent. When we got S of freezing, it fixed itself. Still working well now with no further problems.
Does your fridge have a Storage switch located between the freezer and refrigerator doors?  If it does, and it gets bumped, it will disconnect power from the control panel.
Went to town yesterday to load up some stuff and refrigerator suddenly started working on propane. I was there a couple hours and it was still working when I left. Yesterday warmed up to near freezing and I'm now wondering if the near zero temperatures we have been having were somehow effecting the refrigerator functioning properly. I'm crossing my fingers that it's still working when i get there today.
Hopefully you got things sorted out and it will keep on working..
LazyDaze said:
Went to town yesterday to load up some stuff and refrigerator suddenly started working on propane. I was there a couple hours and it was still working when I left. Yesterday warmed up to near freezing and I'm now wondering if the near zero temperatures we have been having were somehow effecting the refrigerator functioning properly. I'm crossing my fingers that it's still working when i get there today.

That may indeed be what happened.  I've heard of people putting a droplight behind the refrigerator to provide additional heat in very cold weather.  When it gets down that low the boiler can't produce enough heat by itself to sustain the cooling cycle.
If you have any further problems, try Affordable RV on Nellis. They were great when I had some repairs to do on my old rig.

Tom in Vegas
Just returned from two months in the desert and the fridge worked great the entire time. Guess it just didn't see the need to fire up in sub freezing temperatures.
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