Vintage RV Rental?

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New member
Jun 15, 2013
I've been obsessed with vintage trailers lately: 1940-60s. Are there any companies out there that rent out restored oldies, I could take for a roadtrip?

If you are interested in a certain brand (say Airstream), you might want to start with a specialty group/forum for those units especially.  You could also call around to the largest RV rental places in your area, and see what is available or where they can direct you.  Vintage trailer rentals will probably be difficult to find (similar to the chances of Enterprise or Avis renting classic cars... just not in their business model), but I'm sure there is someone out there someplace that has this kind of service available.
Yes, there is one place in Colorado I know of. Old Cardinals and stuff from the 50's- 60's. No link though.

scottydl said:
If you are interested in a certain brand (say Airstream), you might want to start with a specialty group/forum for those units especially.  You could also call around to the largest RV rental places in your area, and see what is available or where they can direct you.  Vintage trailer rentals will probably be difficult to find (similar to the chances of Enterprise or Avis renting classic cars... just not in their business model), but I'm sure there is someone out there someplace that has this kind of service available.

Thanks! I'll try vintage rv forums and see how far I get. I'm surprised at how difficult this is turning out to be. I'd think that there would be a ton of people wanting to rent a restored trailer to take on a trip, but I must be the only one.
WPerry said:
I'd think that there would be a ton of people wanting to rent a restored trailer to take on a trip, but I must be the only one.

You are actually the first person I've ever heard mention it, on this forum anyway.  ;)  There are a lot of vintage trailer enthusiasts out there, but I think most of them go the ownership/restoration route (rather than renting).
I understand the excitement of restoring one's own trailer, but for someone who has neither the skills, tools, nor a place to work on one, like me, renting would make so much more sense! Thanks for your input, I'll keep looking!
You don't mention where you're located or where you want to rent but here in Calif. you can rent a 1946 or 1957 airstream...

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