"Waltzing Matilda", for Tom to practice ;)

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Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Adelaide, South Australia
A little time back there was a lot of fun flying around the Forum trying to encourage Tom to do some singing during the Moab Rally. One of the songs that was put up for his songbook was Waltzing Matilda.
While humming around the John Williamson web site the other day I found a rendition of this song by John and thought it was one of the best renditions I had ever heard. Recorded as part of a major International Rugby Match with the World Champion Wallabies Rugby Union Team, it sure got the crowd worked up. If you have Real Player then this link will play the clip for you.
Maybe others here might like to hear the song as it should be sung, then encourage Tom to practise it for the next Rally  LOL
Thanks for the link Ian.

BTW I was at Cardiff Arms Park one winter day in the late 70's singing Waltzing Mathilda with 50,000 other Welsh folks and a handful of folks from down under before the start of the Wales v Australia rugby international. That helped inspire the Wallabies, but not as much as Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Welsh National anthem) inspired the Welsh team  ;D
Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Welsh National anthem) inspired the Welsh team
And a great anthem it is too, especially with all those wonderful Welsh voices raised in full cry. Awsome just to have been there...
and, was the inspiration enough for your team to defeat the nasty Antipodeans? I guess it must have been when you said that Waltzing Matilda wasn't enough ;)
I wonder who the Wallabies were opposing for the match when that track was recorded?
Hi Ian,

My thanks also for the link.  That last minute is quite a great sound--I don't think there is ever anything quite like that here in North America.  I've always thought of that as a peculiarly English and Welsh phenomenon, but now I realise it got exported down under :).


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