water heater

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2006
Easton, Maryland
How much water would you use for an average shower in your RV? I see some water heaters are 6 gallon, some 10 some 12, etc. Als,o what is the water heater bypass I see on some campers, and what is it for? I assume it is a valve arrangement.
If you take a Navy shower, you can get by on 2 gal. or less.  We have a 10 gal. water heater and have never run out of hot water.

The bypass does just what it sounds like, bypasses the fresh water inlet directly to the outlet, so you can drain the water heater without draining all the water lines.  It may be a single valve or two separate valves.

I thought the hot water heater bypass allowed you to pump antifreeze through your water system without it filling up into the water heater. At least that is the way it operates on my coach.

It does  it operates both ways or should I say either way.  Same thing.
Woody, it does that too.  The point is the bypass isolates the water heater from the fresh water system for whatever purpose, usually for draining.  Some of us never winterize :)
At this age and where we presently live just west of Phoenix, my memory must be failing,  What's winterizing?????????????
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