Water pump issue

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Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Water pump was working, i tried to take water connection off and use the tube that I use for winterizing. I was going to suck some clorox in lines. It did not suck in. No water would suck 8n from my tubing and gallon bucket.Pump stopped, turned off and now when you turn pump on.. nothing, no noise, nothing into fresh on pump... pump worked and then quit.... so ugh, air pocket or what... it is a flowjet model 03526144
tanglemoose said:
Water pump issue was working, tried to use tube and put some clorox in a gallon of water with rube into fresh on pump... pump worked and then quit.... so ugh, air pocket or what...

1st you said the issue was that the pump was working. That's not a issue.  Can you rewrite your situation? I think you said you put some water and clorox in a gallon jug of water, started the pump and then it stopped. Did you run out of water? Please explain with a little more detail.
If I am reading correctly,
1.  The pump worked as expected
2.  Change to winterize input with bleach water
3.  Turn on power to pump.  Pump now dead.

Have you checked for a blown fuse on the pump?  Check for power at the pump.  It could be a bad pump, but they do not usually "just quit"
grashley said:
If I am reading correctly,
1.  The pump worked as expected
2.  Change to winterize input with bleach water
3.  Turn on power to pump.  Pump now dead.

Have you checked for a blown fuse on the pump?  Check for power at the pump.  It could be a bad pump, but they do not usually "just quit"

Do this :)) :))

I also understanding that the pump did come on....But did Not pull the bleach water from the pump then it quit.
How long was the pump motor running without water running though the pump. Could we be looking at a overheated pump?

You were removing one hose connection to replace it with a different hose for winterizing. Are you sure you got a watertight connection?
Well it is working now... not sure why it quit... maybe an air loc or ?? On trip now and don't want to mess until we get home... thanks everyone!
tanglemoose said:
Well it is working now... not sure why it quit... maybe an air loc or ?? On trip now and don't want to mess until we get home... thanks everyone!

Don't you just love those fixes?  Safe travels.
I think G100 got it.  An air lock will keep a pump from working, but NOT stop it from running.  It may overheat in this situation, and overheat will shut it off.  With an auto reset, once it cools, it will run again.

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