We survived Quartzsite!

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Jan 13, 2005
Given all the ribbing we've taken since Moab 2004, I'm pleased to report that we survived our first visit to Quartzsite in January, 2005 without having to dump once!

Clearly, water conservation was the name of the game. Few, if any, showers, limit how much water is used for dishes (paper plates were the order of the day), and no laundry. Several large dumpsters were just a minute away, and folks took turns in making the daily garbage run.

Lots of food was available at the daily hors d'ouvres and happy hour, and Saturday's pot luck had way too much good food.

My t-mobile GPRS air card had a full signal the whole time we were there, although I had a Direcway dish system delivered and installed on our second day. Of course, there were enough coaches with satellite dishes that eveyone could get online using WiFi.

No discussion of Qz, or any RV Forum rally, can go without mention of the great folks in attendance. In addition to being great company, folks were eager to help each other and perform some needed functions. Grand rally marshal Fred Thomas lived up to his reputation as the great delegator. Helaine did a great job as MC, Don Miller kept the fire burning by chopping firewood he'd brought, and Jim Dick led the off-road trips including the geocaching run. Jim, Ron Marabito and Ron Ruward took most of the photos, and Jerry Fitzgerald had a white elephant sale. Ron Marabito had coffee ready by the time folks got up every morning, and took on the job of rally treasurer. Pam Van Luchene brought Hamburgers and rolls up from Yuma, and Karl brought Brots. Several folks cooked, including Ned who BBQ'd the brots and Ron & Sam Ruward who deep fried turkey. Thanks also to Bob Buchannan for his illustrated directions to the rally site and daily updates on his. Apologies if I've inadvertently left someone out.

Chris and I were able to renew friendships with folks we hadn't seen since the Plymouth, CA rally 9 years ago, including folks who drove in for the pot luck.

Official recorder Bob Buchannan reports a total of 42 rigs and almost 80 people in attendance.

Thanks to all for a great time.
Sounds like you & Chris got into the boondocking thing in fine style.  It really isn't hard once you adjust your mindset a bit.

Better not let Homeland Security find out, though.  Anything less than two showers a day is considered prima facie evidence of unAmerican activities.  That and a "furin" accent could be enough to land you in hot water!
LOL Gary, we wouldn't have minded landing "in hot water" (the other kind)  given our need for a shower.
We sure did Ron (g). We were planning to stay the night at Blythe but, as we approached the exit to Bus-10 in Qz, we decided to stay here instead. We're going to tag along with the Dicks and Jim Johnson's friends to Anza Borrego on Tuesday. So we'll stay at Qz one more night.

I haven't yet set up the WiFi in the coach. Folks here at Qz are freeloading on Karl's system. He won't be at Anza Borrego, so I'll have to fire up the access point there.

Glad I bought the Birdog.
Will do Ron. 7 of us had a great meal around the campfire this evening. Karl cooked brots (sp) and the ladies brought the fixings and sides.
Yes, arrived a couple of hours ago. Jim is disappointed because there's not much color here.
"Given all the ribbing we've taken since Moab 2004, I'm pleased to report that we survived our first visit to Quartzsite in January, 2005 without having to dump once!"

But did you report when you arrived Tom!

It was good to meet you and Chris and visit with friends old and new.
Thanks Joel, we enjoyed meeting you too in addition to all the other great folks at Qz.
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