We would like to brag, a little.

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Framly.
We want to share this news.
Please check out this URL: www.sportspagedallas.com.
Our son, Matt, has photos on the front cover of this publication. If you look at the left hand sidebar where it reads "This weeks' issue"  and click on the pdf indication at the bottom, you can get the file of the issue.  When you download the file, scroll down to the second page. Look at the small photo of the cover, shown above the Table Of Contents. On the left side of that photo, Matt Pearce is given credit for the color photos of the front cover!! You will have to enlarge the page to see this clearly.

Please scroll down to the bottom of page 8 and there are some black and white photos. At the left bottom corner - PHOTOS COURTESY: Matt Pearce. The middle photo shows a child and a woman. That child is our grandson, Cole. We didn't even recognize him with that Beatle's type hair style.

We are very proud and pleased that Matt is utilizing his love of photography.  :D  :D
Jack and Liz
Congrats to your son, and to both of you. If you've never seen your name on byline or author or photo credit, let me tell you, it's a real kick.

BTW, I love the backlit photo.

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