Weary of OTT hype stories about the Eclipse

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Loved the posted pics of the eclipse. Well done!!

For what its worth, I agree that this is an major event.
If I took issue at all, it was with the "hype" leading up to the event.
We take for granted that the sun rises every day and the moon is visible at night for most of the month. When the paths coincide we get an eclipse, and it becomes a spectacular event.
I guess it somehow helps us view the bigger picture..
safe travels and all the best.
Well, we had a great time.
Went down the week before and hung around with daughter and her family over the weekend, did some touristy stuff, and sat out on the back porch to watch the eclipse. Rain clouds came in early, but then moved on.
After the eclipse, we hung around 'til Thursday.
A nice easy drive home yesterday, and looking to see if my camera caught anything remarkable.

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