Wedding bells

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Jan 13, 2005
Today we had the pleasure of attending the wedding reception for our good friends and forum members Sarah Young (forum name Yachtsy) and Ken Korippo (forum name Brandywine). Here's a photo of the bride and bridesmaid. Apologies, but I didn't get a photo of the groom - he was too busy entertaining the many guests at their home. I'll get a photo from one of the many other photographers present.

I couldn't resist a photo of Kona, Sarah's Schnauzer, appropriately dressed for the occasion.

Here's a prior photo of Ken and Sarah (third and fourth from left) at a mini rally held in Lodi, CA. Also in the photo are forum members Al & Judy Griefer (left and next to left) and Chris (far right).


  • Sarah_Ronda.jpg
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  • Kona.jpg
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Been there, done that several times John. Good luck with the wedding.
John In Detroit said:
I'm holding off on wedding bells till June 16, 2007.? Then it's my daughter who's doing the bridal thing?

Lock up your credit cards and hide the checkbook !!!!
Thanks Tom,  And Wendy, it's not like we got to sell the house or anything to afford it.. Ur, we just sold the house (Well one of two houses) so... (Going to try and sell the other one about the time of the wedding, then it's full time for us)b
John In Detroit said:
Thanks Tom,? And Wendy, it's not like we got to sell the house or anything to afford it.. Ur, we just sold the house (Well one of two houses) so... (Going to try and sell the other one about the time of the wedding, then it's full time for us)b

Huh, sounds like Mom & Dad.....sold the house and went full-timing....while I was in college!! You know the old saying "you can always go home"? Well, not always !!
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