Weight of Furniture

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
I'd like to replace our couch with "normal" furniture.  My hesitation is based on a few questions: 
- would household furniture weigh more or less than RV furniture?  Is there a database somewhere that I can compare weights?
- I also need to maximize storage space, since there are 5 of us
- I HATE dinette bench sets.  I want a sturdy four legged table, and we really prefer a gigantic couch to lounge on, rather than separate benches.

I don't really care if we have a fold out couch.  Kids' sleepovers can sleep on floor or one can sleep on the couch. 

I have been storing things under the couch, though, so I need to find a solution that allows for that, too.  I prefer bins and shelves over drawers.
Janis, I can't answer your question about weight but if you take out your dinette, that might affect the number of seats you have that can be used while driving.  You have five people, but will you have five seatbelts??  And what about visitors?  We don't like dinettes either so I understand why you want to change it but when you start changing the seating you start changing how many people you can legally have onboard at a time.  Each person needs to have a seatbelt when the vehicle is moving.  Those of us who have a table and chairs have seatbelts with the sofa.  "Loose" chairs (e.g. not bolted to the floor) are not legal for use while driving.  That's why you sometimes see on windows next to an easy chair a sign that says "Chair not to be used when moving."

ArdraF said:
...but when you start changing the seating you start changing how many people you can legally have onboard at a time.  Each person needs to have a seatbelt when the vehicle is moving. 
There is no nationwide law that states that there must be a seat belt for every passenger when the vehicle is moving. The laws differ from state to state. There are only 35 states with primary seat belt and only 17 states with a secondary seat belt law.

Law or not, common sense says you need a seat belt for every passenger.
Since the OP has a 5th wheel, the point is moot for this topic.  But since this is an RV forum, and not a commercial bus forum, your question is irrelevant.
bummer, I was all excited to have replies!  we have a 5th wheeler, so we don't have seat belts  :eek:
meternerd said:
How wide is your door?  Massive couch? Hmmm............

Just what I was thinking also "prefer bins and shelves over drawers" must be a real classey looking inside RV
Sorry, Janis.  I missed the 5th wheel part of your post.  :-[

House furniture will be heavier than what's in the RV - the RV stuff is generally made as light and cheap as possible.

I don't know of any database comparing the weights.  The best thing you can do is take your rig as it is currently loaded to a commercial scale, see how much it weighs and see if you have any excess capacity to add more stuff.

BTW - I love the name of your blog!

ticat900 said:
Just what I was thinking also "prefer bins and shelves over drawers" must be a real classey looking inside RV

Our RV is actually quite nice looking, thank you.  Bins and shelves can be attractive and much better use of space and weight than drawers.  I am not talking about Walmart plastic drawers.

oh, yeah, and we have young KIDS.  So, my definition of "classy" is probably different than yours anyway.

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