Weird coffee maker

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2018
Douglas, Wyoming
Good morning! Just got home from the first trapshooting/camping adventure of the year. Woke up the first morning, fired up the 2 2000 watt Champion inverter generators. Put a pod into the coffee maker and hit the go button. Instant darkness....  fired them up again, same thing. Started them a third time, took them off the Eco mode. Tried it again and it made coffee! It would work if you gave the generators a running start. Did that a couple times, them my wife said to try a different plugin. Did that and while better, still pulled the generators pretty hard. These 2 generators seem to work fine. Run the AC, microwave, and anything else I hook them to. I guess this coffee maker just takes a huge amount to start? Or should I be looking for another problem? Thanks!
Take that pot brewer (Big pollution source by the way less you use re-fillable pods) and turn it upside down or around and read the information stamped or painted. Particularlly the number of WATTS it draws... I'm guessing it's  Skip the guessing research is easy this am.. Here is what Green Mountain Coffee Company has to say about their product.. By the way  My "Guess".. Was Dead on. I'd guessed 1500 watts peak.

"Keurig? home brewers use the most power during their initial startup. When heating for the first time after being off, peak usage is 1,500 watts. If the power is kept on, the brewer will keep the internal tank up to temperature using between 200 ? 400 watts when heating. While idle and not maintaining heat, the brewer will use the average electricity of a 60 watt light bulb. "

There's your problem 1500 watts is not an ECO load on a EU-2000i.
We found even with our 8000 watt generator that we need to give the generator 5 minutes or so before using a power hungry appliance, particularly if the batteries are low. The power goes into the batteries, and they need to get enough power to handle the load. The espresso machine we have is a huge power hog as it heats all the water, just like John indicates for your Keurig.
Jhcowdude said:
Good morning! Just got home from the first trapshooting/camping adventure of the year. Woke up the first morning, fired up the 2 2000 watt Champion inverter generators. Put a pod into the coffee maker and hit the go button. Instant darkness....  fired them up again, same thing. Started them a third time, took them off the Eco mode. Tried it again and it made coffee! It would work if you gave the generators a running start. Did that a couple times, them my wife said to try a different plugin. Did that and while better, still pulled the generators pretty hard. These 2 generators seem to work fine. Run the AC, microwave, and anything else I hook them to. I guess this coffee maker just takes a huge amount to start? Or should I be looking for another problem? Thanks!

Did you have any issues before this with the same appliance?
Just checked-1425 watts. Pretty good load. But I figured 2 2000 waiters tied together would do it. But I guess not. Thanks! By the way, it's an A?cok coffee maker.  Never used it in the camper before, just in the house.
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