what do you say about your carbon footprint?

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Hope you are never in a wreak with plug-in, or hybid. If you have to be cut out. You may be there for awhile because a person who is certified has to cut the power in the car. The fireman don't want to get electrocuted. Some out of the way VFD's don't have anyone who is certified, or the money to have someone certified.  :-[
You have to love the irony, the batteries and electronics to operate electric cars requires some of the most caustic mining and processing methods.  It also takes an inordinate amount of energy to create these products.  The development of the technology is awesome but to say they are "clean" is a myth.  How do these cars and their batteries get disposed? 
OBX said:
You have to love the irony, the batteries and electronics to operate electric cars requires some of the most caustic mining and processing methods.  It also takes an inordinate amount of energy to create these products.  The development of the technology is awesome but to say they are "clean" is a myth.  How do these cars and their batteries get disposed?
Just goggle lithium mining environmental impact.  :eek: Old batteries is the next big thing with these cars. When the battery dies. You have to get a new car, because it will be cheaper to do so. The battery is half the cost of the car.
Russ+Chris said:
Just goggle lithium mining environmental impact.  :eek: Old batteries is the next big thing with these cars. When the battery dies. You have to get a new car, because it will be cheaper to do so. The battery is half the cost of the car.

Batteries will get repurposed if possible (google it) and recycled past that.  Solar and wind can provide an abundance of the power we need.  Has anyone seen Elon Musk's new solar shingles?  They are gorgeous and when factored in with the power they add to the grid they will be cheaper for new builds than asphalt shingles.  They have a long life span and more efficient solar than in the past.

I know som people are afraid of the batteries but that is true of any new technology.  Ever think how much fuel you are sitting on in your RV?
OBX said:
You have to love the irony, the batteries and electronics to operate electric cars requires some of the most caustic mining and processing methods.  It also takes an inordinate amount of energy to create these products.  The development of the technology is awesome but to say they are "clean" is a myth.  How do these cars and their batteries get disposed?

Don't bother us with facts please. LOL  And with a bazillion of these things on the road, how much acid will be flowing around after big wrecks and how many responders will be put in danger.  Not all is as beautiful as described.
I am NOT worried about the fuel consumtion of my RV or my "carbon footprint".  I do want clean air and clean water but that can be accomplished without bad science and Kool aid drinking preachers coming out of their crying rooms to tell me how to live. 
kwbush said:
That's a nice thought Tom BUT in order to re-charge those incredibly expensive batteries we need equally expensive fossil fuel electricity generation plants or incredibly dirty nuclear plants.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a simple alternative to fossil fuels so I vote for taking it from the Iraqi's and Iranians (oil that is). Tree huggers can go to...
There is a simple alternative to fossil fuels, it is called solar. We are going to have to convert over to solar like it or not. If we don't the infrastructure of the county won't be able to handle the increasing loads. The US has added 25 million people in the last ten years. If you people don't stop producing babies at this horrible rate we are in for a really crappy future. Especially since a certain someone doesn't believe in climate change.
Fuel prices here on the West Coast continue to be $.50 - 1.00 more than the rest of the country.  I know taxes and special blends to satisfy emissions criterion account for some of the difference.  But seriously, as much as 50% more.  Personally I think the oil industry is sending a message to us tree huggers and greenies.  And the message is sent via middle finger messenger. 
Gary B,The gas cost the same it is the added taxes imposed by the beautiful people of your amazing state.  :eek:
Just for fun I looked a Gasbuddy for My area and found reg for $1.60 and diesel for $1.97
Paid $3.07 yesterday for premium.  Think regular was maybe $2.77.  The reason we're green, is we're very envious of you East of the California border. 
The cheapest gas on our trip from California to Ohio this week was in Amarillo, TX by a large difference.
SeilerBird said:
If you people don't stop producing babies at this horrible rate we are in for a really crappy future..

I thought all the sociologist fingered it takes a 2.1 birth rate for our enlightened society to even continue ?

and since you didn't do your part,  I kinda just made up for it......you're welcome.  ;)
It has to be a family thing Leaving sunny Ca for Ohio this time of the year.

Yes, Thanksgiving and Christmas with two families near Columbus. A friend called to say they had storms come into CA after we left. It's cold in OH, but otherwise nice weather.
I was up on Lake Erie this summer near Conneaut and Ashtabula then to Cleveland to visit a sister. Hope the weather holds but you may have a white Christmas. ;)
A white Christmas is little more than a fond memory for some of us x-mid-Westerners.  What I miss more than the white stuff however is a good old thunder storm.  Although preferably when I'm not driving.  Have a great Thanksgiving holiday everyone. 
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