What happend to my sharp mind

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2009
Robinson Township,Pittsburgh, PA
With the mild weather and nothing on my schedule I thought I would change the generator oil.  It had been a year so I jumped right in.  Well first I could not find the filter wrench, next I could not remember the oil plug size?. I could go on but I think you have the idea.  What happened to my sharp mind?  Before it was over I felt like someone that was doing the job for the first time.  When I was finished I wrote it all down, I only hope I can find my notes when it?s oil change time again. LOL
The Army life does that to you after a while. I have all my tools in certian drawers, but now and then I have to find what I am looking for.  The benifit is the exercise you get walking back and forth from the MH to the toolbox and back again...:)

Just don't fill it with oil BEFORE you put the drain plug back in.
What happened to your sharp mind....Well with the slide out out you accessed a basement compartment and then you stood up... A bit too soon, and banged your sharp mind into the slide out and/or compartment door a few too many times thus blunting it.

At least that's MY excuse.
wincom6 said:
With the mild weather and nothing on my schedule I thought I would change the generator oil.  It had been a year so I jumped right in.  Well first I could not find the filter wrench, next I could not remember the oil plug size?. I could go on but I think you have the idea.  What happened to my sharp mind?  Before it was over I felt like someone that was doing the job for the first time.  When I was finished I wrote it all down, I only hope I can find my notes when it?s oil change time again. LOL
Mild weather! Where do you live?  ;)
Personally I( like 62 better than 55, and I'll get there right soon too.. Why... at 62 you can draw Social Security, that is till Congress kills it off (Rozzin, Frozzin, Friggin,Fraggit).
John From Detroit said:
Personally I( like 62 better than 55, and I'll get there right soon too.. Why... at 62 you can draw Social Security, that is till Congress kills it off (Rozzin, Frozzin, Friggin,Fraggit).

What Social Security?  :mad:

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