what is the best club to join ??

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
I have just retired, purchased a 5 er and plan on doing quite a bit of traveling ( unless chevron profits continue to climb !! )  I'm wondering what clubs offer the best discounts  ?

I plan on traveling across the country this summer as my son works in Boston and then on to Florida then back to sunny Calif. ( home )

any suggestions ???  where can I find some info ??

We like Passport America for campground discounts.  Campgrounds agree to 50% off rates (some will charge extra for 50 AMP or will meter electricity.  Also some parks limit to 1-2 nights or black out certain times of the year).  I believe it is around $40-45 dollars a year to join but you will get that back after a few nights using it.  Go to www.passportamerica.com to check them out.  When I find a campground I might be interested in in PA, I check Trailer Life to get rating, size of lots, etc.

Good Sam Club gives a 10% on RV Parks that are associated with them.  They also have a good road side service plan which I have only used once.  They also have a good mail forwarding service that we have used for about 4-5 years and have been very happy with called American Home Base.

KOA gives 10% off their affiliate campgrounds when you join.  We do stay at KOA's but I find them generally more geared toward families and more expensive.

Some like Escapees but I have not joined them.

You may want to join Flying J - I don't think it costs anything and you get a small discount on gas when you fuel there.

Hope this helps.

Where in Florida are you planning on going and when?

wally12 said:
I have just retired, purchased a 5 er and plan on doing quite a bit of traveling ( unless chevron profits continue to climb !! )? I'm wondering what clubs offer the best discounts? ?

I plan on traveling across the country this summer as my son works in Boston and then on to Florida then back to sunny Calif. ( home )

any suggestions ???? ?where can I find some info ??


I highly recommend the Escapees club and Passport America.  On the other hand I also strongly recommend against Good Sam (Junk Mail Generators)and KOA.

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