What tools do you bring?

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I don't have a chance to travel as much as Gary, so I leave my woodworking tools at home.  I do travel the boonies some so I carry enough tools to change out wheel bearings if need be.  Never had to as I do my yearly maintenance at home.
Gary, those are excellent points. I don't need every socket made, just a few basic ones. If I need a new one bad enough, I will buy it on the road. A pop riveter is a great idea too.

I do have the basic Ryobi battery drill/driver with a recip saw, and I was debating on taking them. Now it's a definite.

We are planning to full-time for at least a year, and we have considered the workamping option. I was thinking my tools might come in as useful while doing work. (I.e. build some steps, or a deck) but the workamping jobs seem to be scrubbing toilets, and greeting guests. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I will bring a weed whacked and tell 'em I'm a landscaper.  ;D
Most campgrounds have basic tools, but I've used my own in campground projects. Larger campgrounds are worried about liability issues if they use workampers to build or repair public facilities (water, electric, etc) but smaller ones may put your skills to work once they learn to know and trust you.
Being in the Automotive repair business for  40 years , I bring it all.  If I need to I can replace an engine on the road. i have a large list of tools that I carry.
Whatever tools I bring along it's never enough. ?  Today I need a miter saw.  Got a couple of them at home.
I find that I started out with what I guessed I was going to need. Now I take what I have used on the coach in the past. from interior  repair to outside stuff. I seem to add more each trip, and take stuff I don't use out. If it is a major repair I wait til home, or have to call someone else. minor engine stuff, chasis, or interior stuff.

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