Leaving politics, global warming theories, and that stuff out of it, I have a question.
We now have the most powerful hurricane ever recorded possible heading towards the Florida coastline. Every couple of years it seems Florida gets pounded by these things, costing billions of dollars in damage and cleanup/repairs. We all know what went on with Katrina and the 60 plus billion in aid already from the government to help with that. When does it end? When does the government say enough is enough and declare these certain areas as off limits as far as the taxpayers go for footing the clean-up costs. Or do we just keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars rebuilding Florida every 10 years?
We now have the most powerful hurricane ever recorded possible heading towards the Florida coastline. Every couple of years it seems Florida gets pounded by these things, costing billions of dollars in damage and cleanup/repairs. We all know what went on with Katrina and the 60 plus billion in aid already from the government to help with that. When does it end? When does the government say enough is enough and declare these certain areas as off limits as far as the taxpayers go for footing the clean-up costs. Or do we just keep spending hundreds of billions of dollars rebuilding Florida every 10 years?