When is the Best Time to Buy an RV?

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The best time of year to buy an RV is when you find the one you love at the price you can live with.

There is no better answer. End of season, could be. beginning of season, possibly...
I think the best time is when you have a motivated seller. When something happens that makes a responsible owner need to sell the RV. For example Grandpa passes away and Grandma doesn't want to continue travelling. Or Frank has a great RV but his job just moved him to Hawaii, or laid him off, or the new unexpected child is coming.

The people who realize right away that they need to sell are the best to buy from. They are realists. They aren't letting the rig sit for 2 years without maintenance, hoping things change. They recognize the need to sell and they are motivated to make it happen.

I purchased my current MH in May one year because the husband passed on and the wife could not make the payments on her salary alone. She recognized the problem, contacted the bank and advised she would try to sell by a certain date. If she couldn't get it sold she would simply return it to them. They were good in working with her to sell, and me to buy. They gave her a new note for the amount that she was underwater for, allowing her to avoid any hits to her credit report. Everyone in the deal was working to make things go smoothly.

I wasn't really wanting to buy in May, I really wanted to wait until September. But I had been following the prices and availability of the models I wanted for quite some time and knew a deal when I saw it. And I had my ducks lined up to buy when I found it.

If you are sure you want to buy from a dealer only, then find one that can complete the deal without moving his lips. Generally speaking if his lips move, he's telling some type of lie. My appologies to the one honest RV salesman, wherever he is.

Frizlefrak said:
Life is short.  Find one you love and buy it.

Or... Better yet fit one that fits you and your family as well as the tow vehicle. Does no good to buy a RV that you can't live in because of beds are too small, ceiling too low, or just not enough room. Or buy a trailer so huge that your current tow vehicle can't tow it safely anywhere.
bucks2 said:
I think the best time is when you have a motivated seller. When something happens that makes a responsible owner need to sell the RV. For example Grandpa passes away and Grandma doesn't want to continue travelling. Or Frank has a great RV but his job just moved him to Hawaii, or laid him off, or the new unexpected child is coming.

The people who realize right away that they need to sell are the best to buy from. They are realists. They aren't letting the rig sit for 2 years without maintenance, hoping things change. They recognize the need to sell and they are motivated to make it happen.

I purchased my current MH in May one year because the husband passed on and the wife could not make the payments on her salary alone. She recognized the problem, contacted the bank and advised she would try to sell by a certain date. If she couldn't get it sold she would simply return it to them. They were good in working with her to sell, and me to buy. They gave her a new note for the amount that she was underwater for, allowing her to avoid any hits to her credit report. Everyone in the deal was working to make things go smoothly.

I wasn't really wanting to buy in May, I really wanted to wait until September. But I had been following the prices and availability of the models I wanted for quite some time and knew a deal when I saw it. And I had my ducks lined up to buy when I found it.

If you are sure you want to buy from a dealer only, then find one that can complete the deal without moving his lips. Generally speaking if his lips move, he's telling some type of lie. My appologies to the one honest RV salesman, wherever he is.


Awesome Ken, that some helpful tips you gave, I would really apply this methods when I knew the time for to buy one has come.  ;)
bucks2 said:
If you are sure you want to buy from a dealer only, then find one that can complete the deal without moving his lips. Generally speaking if his lips move, he's telling some type of lie. My appologies to the one honest RV salesman, wherever he is.


I think I found him! When I bought my last Coach, My guy was pretty straight. I did get a lot of "I don't know" Much better than bold faced lies.

Can't think of a single lie from him and he even cut the price 30k without any input from me. Go figure.
Here is a "time to buy" that I haven't heard or read discussed in the past.

My business includes ranching and trucking. For a number of years some of my drivers have assisted RV  Dealers move RV's to and from RV shows when I regularly get called for the jobs. For example, there are normally at least 4 RV shows through the year in the Denver, Colorado area. (One is scheduled for the first week in June, next week.)

Many of the these shows, that include many dozens of both new and used RVs, are RV's that are considered by the Dealers to be excess inventory. We have noticed that more often than not, at these shows, the dealers will accept almost any resonable offer on any RV at the show. I have seen RV's sold for prices 50 percent or even less than the original asking price. I have often been surprised at the prices offered by a buyer, that I thought would almost be no way close. Then again surprised by the dealer/seller accepting the low offer.

The dealers take those RV's to the shows to sell them and they sell a lot of them rather than have them taken back to the dealer's lot.
We purchased an RV that was being featured at the winter RV Show. Sure it had a few scratches and nicks but we got $10K of extra features for free and it still came with the factory warranty. I would think that winter RV sales have to be slow and the dealers are anxious to bring in money.
Kamper Dave
Times running out! Rush in to XYZ RV and check out these pre July 4th deals! You'll save thousands!

It's here, the July 4th mega sale, come buy while they last and save thousands!

The sale you've been waiting for, the post July 4th extravaganza where you can save thousands!

The boss is out and we are starting the Labor Day sale early, come in and save thousands!



My $.02, shop, learn, visit, shop some more. Buy used, what you want, and at a price your happy with or shop some more. Don't fall in love with any one unit! The week it was made others just like it also rolled off the assembles line. Take your time.

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