Where is Chet?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
Annie at Portal needs to talk to Chet and she does not have his phone number.  If someone has Chet's phone number please tell him to call Annie.

Ron said:
I called Chet and left him a message to call Annie.  Haven't heard from them since Moab.

Thanks, Ron.  :)

Just received a call from Chet and he will be calling Annie.  They are at Ruby's Campground enjoying the Bryce Canyon area.  They will be stopping in SLC next week staying where we stay while there.  Hmmm, maybe another rally in the works. ???
Ron said:
They will be stopping in SLC next week staying where we stay while there.  Hmmm, maybe another rally in the works. ???


SLC is pretty active with forum folks this time of year.  Terry and Betty are here now and George and Pam are due around the weekend.  We had a party set up for Tom but he breezed right by and missed it.  :)

Phil said:
We had a party set up for Tom but he breezed right by and missed it.

In addition to not inviting us, you stayed in Moab when we left. :(
Tom said:
In addition to not inviting us, you stayed in Moab when we left. :(

That's cause you left two days earlier than you were supposed to leave.  :)  Anyway, Jerry, Ardra, Doris and I had a nice party even though your chairs were empty.

Hmmm,  Hard to figure Tom misssing a party. ;D
Guess you and Brewers will be doing the steak house.  Have a great time.  Tell George and Pam hi for us when you see them.

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