Which weight distributing hitch?

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007
Looking at buying a new WD hitch. What are the pros, cons and experiences with the hitch with chains Such as the Reese Pro Series verses the Equalizer E2 hitch with the integrated sway control system? I am looking at the 10000# models. Thanks
Here is what I'm running...

Works good on my 31' Foot Jayco... Now that I'm Setup correctly and figured it all out no sway or any problems. Tows like a dream. 8)
I use an Equal-i-zer, not only because it's what my dad used, but also because it's what the guy who I bought my trailer from used (and he threw in the hitch with the trailer ;))

I was admittedly a bit proud to learn that they're made right here in my home state, too.

Get one with integrated sway control, e.g. the Reese Dual Cam models or the Equalizer. Or better yet, a Pro Pride or Hensley Arrow, if the budget can stand the shock.
+1 on the Equalizer.  I pulled a 24.5 foot Sunline TT with a Toyota 4Runner.  It was a little over the line so far as the generally accepted wheel base to TT length ratio is concerned.  My experience was great.  Never had a wobble or wiggle.  I felt less buffeting from trucks and wind while towing the TT with the Equalizer than when I drove the 4Runner without the TT.  If you get one, make sure you buy an extra pin set.  It can ruin you day when it's time to go and you can't find one.
  I have used the Reese dual cam hitch with my 26' TT for over 4 yrs. Even in the crosswinds of W.Texas it was steady as could be. IMHO it works as advertised. Worth the cost.

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