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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2006
A number of us in the RV Forum also belong to the Family Motor Coach Association.  Who else plans to attend the January 11-15, 2012 FMCA rally at Indio CA?

Jerry and Ardra have signed up.

Ray and Liza will be attending.  We won't be camping at the fairgrounds. 
Betty and Terry Brewer have signed up and will stay in holding area on  blacktop right by Dr. Carreon Drive.  A day or  2 early.  They have 15 to 20 amp flaky power.
Liza - Where you camp doesn't matter as long as you know where to find us at happy hour!  ;) ::) :p ;D

Mike and Wendy will be there (Gordon, too), parked in the handicap area. We're booked at Bolsa Chica thru 1/9 but should be at Indio on the 10th.
Bob & Estelle are attending with four legged family and will be parked in the handicapped area. We will probably arrive in the holding area on the 9th.
Rolf & Shirley are planning to attend.  We're probably going to use the same strategy for getting that choice site we got two years ago, i.e., show up on the first day and hope for the best!
Bob Maxwell said:
Bob & Estelle are attending with four legged family and will be parked in the handicapped area. We will probably arrive in the holding area on the 9th.

You don't have to wait in the holding area, you can straight in to the handicapped area when you arrive. When you get there early, you get to laugh at the other people trying to park :)

Thanks Wendy! What day do you expect to arrive?

I'm a newby when it comes to FMCA activities. in '96, I joined the Chapter in Abq, but our one rally with them in '96 it was mostly MOFs.::)  Forum framily became my home. ;D
We're going to be there on the 10th. It's 130 miles from Bolsa Chica. Maybe we can meet up somewhere and go in together?
Bernie and Marlene haven't signed up yet, but will shortly. Arriving on Sunday or Monday, 1/8 or 1/9/ parking in handicapped. Probably at Lake Cahuilla County Park about 5 miles away for a couple of days beforehand. The Palm Springs Kennel Club will be at the Polo Grounds leading up to and including that weekend.
I was talking to my bride about this one yesterday, but we haven't signed up just yet. This would be our first ever rally/event in the MH. She's not sure she can deal with dry camping yet. She has a love affair with water.  ::)
Mark, you're only there for a few days so it's not a big deal as long as you are careful with the water.  Tell Kathy we have a lot a fun and to bring a red hat or make up a red concoction to wear to the Red Hat tea.  Also we have a good time at happy hour and it's a wonderful way to get acquainted with some of the RV Forum folk.  Oh yes, you'll also learn a lot at the seminars, find lots of good "stuff" to buy, and enjoy good evening entertainment.

Is this something where a lot of people use generators? For my wife the whole point of getting a Class A is to HAVE all the comforts and not have to be conservation minded. She did learn how to shower Navy style though so maybe she could pull it off.  ;)
There are sections with electric hookups (mostly weak but ok so long as you don't need your A/C), there's a section for generators 24/7, there's a section for generators 7am-11 pm, and there's a section for no generators at all. So you can take your pick. As for conserving water, anyone can do it for 4 days, well, anyone except my sister :)

There are several different areas and you decide which one you want to be in when you register.  One is without electricity and with generator usage.  One is with 30-amp and no generator (unless the electric doesn't work in which all bets are off  ;) ) and the handicap area with electric (some people need 24/7 electric for medical equipment).  We signed up for the electricity area.  We go in with full water and propane and empty black and gray tanks.  Sometimes a "honey wagon" will come through and pump out tanks for a fee.  At FMCA there may be a card in your welcome bag and you sign up for the honey wagon.  At places like Quartzsite the pumper truck roams around the different camping areas and you flag him down.  Of course you still have to conserve fresh water 'cause it isn't easy to pull out your space to go get water!

The reason I made the comment about the 30 amp possibly not working is they have big pedestals and run electric cables out along a row of coaches.  If everyone tries to use their A/Cs and microwaves at the same time, then the 30 amp might not be adequate.  It really depends on the venue.  We've been in places where it works quite well and others where it goes up and down a lot.  It's always a good idea to have some kind of voltage sensor to alert you audibly to power fluctuations.  If it happens a lot, we sometimes unplug from the electric source.  This can happen even in campgrounds, not just at rallies.

Yes, most of us have RVs because we want the comforts of home.  Trust me, we don't do without just because we're at a rally!  ;D  You just adapt some by, for example, using paper plates so you don't need to wash dishes as much.  Even our fancy toilet with a circuit board can be adjusted to use more or less water!


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