Who's the Framily?

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Jan 13, 2005
Jim Dick recalls the origin of the term Framily this way:

"The term Framily was coined by Betty Brewer during a conversation with me on the desert about how great this forum was. She said it was just like family. I told her it was better because we don't have the arguments families usually get into. She then said it was Framily (friends and family combined). To become an official framily member one just has to join the RV Forum and participate in the sheer joy of it. Once folks attend a forum rally, they understand the meaning."

I have to say that, from my experience, Betty was right on.
I have to agree.  I've been off line for a while, and really missed checking in.  We're really sad that we'll miss the Moab rally this year.  Hope we can make another rally somewhere soon.

"The term Framily was coined by Betty Brewer during a conversation with me on the desert about how great this forum was. She said it was just like family. I told her it was better because we don't have the arguments families usually get into. She then said it was Framily (friends and family combined). To become an official framily member one just has to join the RV Forum and participate in the sheer joy of it. Once folks attend a forum rally, they understand the meaning."

I have to say that, from my experience, Betty was right on.
Peggy & Dennis

You're missed, both online and at rallies! You're going to miss the special events organized for Moab this year.
Hi Peggy & Dennis,

We have missed you and will miss you at Moab.  Be sure to make your reservations for next year.    Hope you like the new look.  Welcome back.

I hope I am considered a new framily member by now.  Even if not, I sure consider all of you my framily.  Can't wait to start meeting each of you this year when we cut loose!
Almost there Smoky, but you're on probation until you turn up at a rally.  :)

Seriously, you've stimulated some great discussions which have made a number of us think about things. You've also contributed stuff back in return.
Smoky said:
I hope I am considered a new framily member by now.


You have been a framily member since you first started posting about your trip out west.  :)

Thanks for the suggestion Wayne, but we've had the RV Forum name for a very long time and it's recognized in a lot of places, including search engines. It would also involve a huge amount of work for me personally to change numerous documents and web pages. I see no valid reason to change at this time.
I hate to be a wet blanket, but the term "framily" is not at all unique to this forum or group of people and it is extremely doubtful that the term was invented here (no offense to Betty or Jim).  Lots of groups use the term.  Google "framily" and you will be amazed.  A search of Yahoo groups for "framily" will also turn up quite a few.
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