Why do guys do that?

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Rhonda 2

May 11, 2007
Wear their ball caps in a indoors while eating or in a bar? Last night at appleby's- I look around and see 4 guys sitting with the wives/ family/girlfriend- and they had their ball cap on. One idiot even had his turned around. Are they just ignorant- do they just not care, or is it to cover a bald spot. And what about the women? do they know?
Part of the problem is where do you put the cap when you take it off.  Retaurants do not have hatracks or coat racks anymore.
Guess i'm one of the ignorant ones cuz I wear mine all the time.  I do take it of to Sleep, shower, church, prayer, and somes times even at the table, but not always/.  Worse yet it's bright Orange and I like it.  Always felt comfortable with it and after 73 yrs  I don't think I'll change.
I think it all boils down to differences between today and "years past". My husband and I are in our early 40's, but I know he and my brothers were taught to remove their hat when they entered a building. It was all tied into the 'respect' thing. I still see the kids being required to remove them in school. But, hats don't just serve a function anymore, they're a bigger part of fashion than they used to be. I have even seen women wearing baseball hats, and leaving them on in buildings. And, kids (or their parents) are much more relaxed and casual these days. People just do not take them off like they used to. I have also seen this to be more of a habit in the south, than up north where we grew up. However, I'm an old-fashioned girl, so I require my 11 year old son to always remove his hat for a meal. Carl is right, though-there really is no where to put them when you take them off. My son has put his on the chair beside him, and forgotten it when it ended up on the floor under the table.

One thing I WON'T get used to is seeing a boy/man not take his hat off for the National Anthem!
Well I guess I feel the same as Shayne in this respect.  Where is it written that one must remove their hat when entering a building ??? ??? ???

I agree hats should be removed for the National Anthem and when entering church, or prayer.

Seems kinda dumb to remove your hat when entering a eatery when there is no place to hang it.  But then I am one that has never understood the reasoning behind ties other than somebody wanted to make men uncomfortable.  I wore one while working because it was required but the ties were retired when I retired.  So there you go here is a guy that may or may not remove his cap when entering an eatery depending on what mood I am in and won't were a tie for anything. ;D ;D ;D

Ignorant idiot that I am, have worn, and will continue to wear, my hat facing in the direction of my choice.  See ya at Applebee's. 
Sad World,  what's the difference between the Appleby's and the Ritz Carlton's dining area?  The clientel, I presume.

  Hats off to you, Rhonda.
If wearing a University of Kentucky ball cap (my favorite) -- and you see me at a McDonalds, it will probably remain on. As pointed out, where would I put it? And in that type of fast food restaurant -- who cares?  If at Scoma's on the Bay in Sausalito -- and it is cold out and I am wearing a hat to keep warm -- I would take it off. So where would I draw the line -- I don't have a clue, but feel that I would know right away if that were a restaurant or any type of situtation that I should take my hat off. I would "feel" the need because that's how I was raised.

Anyway, please keep in mind that you are talking here to RVers for the most part. The average age is 55 - and a goodly portion of them are retired and feel they have earned the right to wear their hats whenever and whereever they want. Also, if you ever RV to a popular RV destination such as Quartzsite, AZ, and have a meal at one of their most popular restaurants such as Sweet Darlene's  -- and feel the need to call all the men wearing baseball caps ignorant idiots -- suggest you do so under your breathe, or while you're close to the exit.  :)

>> And what about the women? do they know?
Are you referring to the women that are wearing hats in the same restaurant? I don't know if they know -- probably not a bald spot. More likely a bad hair day. ;)

Man I guess I'm just a slob then but at 73  who the hell cares what I wear.   When it was near freezing  year before last and strong winds at Quartsite and I was the only one wearing shorts I got grief for that.   At least its  better being in shorts and a BB caps than some of the views you see on the beaches in micro mini g strings bathing suits.   Guess when I walk in to eat you'll just have to look the other way.  I know I would if I had to look at me, cuz I'm far from a looking sight.  JMHO
It never fails to amaze me how a seemingly innocent question/comment will stir up all kinds of emotions  ;D

I was brought up in a far-off land where it was considered both appropriate and good manners to remove one's cap/hat when entering someone's home, a church/chapel, a school, a place of work, a restaurant and various other establishments. It was also common practice to tip one's hat when meeting a lady. However, folks didn't wear baseball caps and were more likely to wear either a Trilby (see here) or a cloth cap (aka Dai cap), like you might see the English country squire wear in his convertible (see here).

Our last home for 14 years was in a small, but growing, California wine country/rodeo town where, at the local bar and grill, all the guys and gals wore western hats and nobody thought anything about it.

Here on the CA Delta, if we go to a traditional family restaurant/diner, folks wear caps or hats. If I stop by Pete's, a bar/cafe on one of the Delta Levees, most of the patrons are Mexican farm workers and they'll likely be wearing work hats (kinda like a straw western hat).

Maybe it was my upbringing but, if I enter a restaurant wearing a cap or hat, I'll automatically head straight to the head (men's room), remove the cap/hat and do a little grooming. It's not necessarily something I do consciously, more likely on autopilot. But I'm always conscious that I might lose the darn thing when I try to balance it on my knee or place it on adjacent chair.

Bottom line for me is that I go along with whatever is customary in a particular establishment/community and I won't consciously step out of line where a "dress code" is observed.

BTW next time you see Shayne's orange baseball cap (and it really is orange and can be spotted a mile away), shout out "here comes the CalTrans road crew". Don't be surprised to find a real nice guy under the cap.
Shayne said:
Guess i'm one of the ignorant ones cuz I wear mine all the time... 
Always felt comfortable with it and after 73 yrs  I don't think I'll change.

Durn good hat if it's lasted that long!
Whew!  Such passion!  Good thing political discussion is verboten here,,,,,,,,

I was raised to never wear a hat indoors and I just automatically take it off. Where to put it is a problem and I could have retired earlier if I hadn't had to replace about a thousand lost hats that I took off and forgot.

The Navigator has solved the "lost hat" problem.  She makes me put the car/coach keys in or on the hat when I park it after taking it off -- I don't get far without remembering the hat any more.
Yep  proper dining I can agree too, but McDonalds, to me is a dump and hardly ever eat fast foods.  Country Buffet is informal, any place that is informal and you can go in and eat in shorts, that  warrants my cap.  As for as clientele, guess I'm not welcome but they sure seem to take my money.  Funny once we got home from the service in the 50's and again in 60's and we lost the control of music and now listen to people screaming on the airwaves and the attire that is displayed by so called, stars of the entertainment world and dress codes went completely to heqq, wearing a cap is an important fault, yet pot guts hanging out Levi's falling off the hips, undergarments exposed and the praising of goof balls like Maddona, Brittney Spears, and the likes is fine and dandy.  Guess I'm still just a prude.  But I'm me and clothed.  I'd rather eat amongst friends or at home anyway.
Guess I got to learn to open up a little bit.  Just too dang shy to be this old.  I've talked with every President including and since Harry Truman, with exception of Jack Kennedy, that I didn't approve of and most of the candidates in those elections, so shyness sure can't be my problem.  Never saw a person I was afraid to speak too including giving Cassius Clay orders to help us when we needed a stage hand to help.  He was just standing there talking with someone at a showing my Mother was putting on once. So Please bear with me and I hope some day to come out of my SHELL>
Like Tom I always removed hats and made our son do the same (over his objections!).

Now I take mine off, watch my SIL's keep theirs on, and feel OLD!!!!
  I've almost never worn a hat, indoors or out, but if I had one one I would take it off indoors.  However, times have changed, and my recent chemotherapy has caused my hair to fall out, so I wear a cap almost all the time to protect it from the elements.  I wear it indoors as well, mainly because of the "Where do I put it?" dilemma.


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