Will my truck pull my TH?

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New member
Oct 8, 2005
I just purchased my first trailer and I have my first question.  Will my '00 Dakota Quadcab 2WD be strong enough to pull my new trailer?  The Dakota has the 4.7L V8 with the #6100 towing package from the factory. I don't know the rear axle numbers.  The trailer is a '03 Thor 16' Pak Rat TH weighing in at about 2700-2800 lb dry.  My "toy" I am hauling is 800lb Harley ElectraGlide.  I figure total weight will be about 4100lb.  I had a WD trailer hitch installed, and the truck is equipped with electric brake controller. I pulled the trailer home  (no Harley aboard) along the interstate at 60 mph with the usual traffic and had no problems.  Will I see any problem down the road?  Should I consider a larger truck?  Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated................Thanks, Mick
Well, it pretty much sounds like you've already answered you're own question.  Even fully loaded, it sounds like you'll be within weight limits.  However, you may find that while you're within weight limits, once you hit the hills and valleys, you wish you had a bigger, more powerful truck.  If you're in the market for one, it may not be a bad idea, but if it turns out the current truck pulls it up hills and slows it down sufficiently going down the other side to your satisfaction, then you may want to hang on to it for a while.
I've pulled 3,800 lbs with a chevy lumina APV 3.1 liter (though I did not pull it far or fast)

I've pulled 2,000 lbs with it both far and fast (freeway speeds, over 100 miles, way over, 100 miles over) many times

Your truck might actually know it it pulling a trailer,  However I don't think it will be much bothered.

I do have a suggestion though... IF the trailer is not equiped with some kind of braking system,  See about having one installed.  You need both break-away brakes (come on if the truck and trailer part company unexpectedly) and what I call aux brakes, That is remotely controled brakes which are controlled by the towing vehicle  They make a BIG difference in stopping distance
Sounds like you'll be fine with this setup. I would hold off on the new truck. Not because your current one won't do the job but about 99.993% of us have bought or will buy a bigger trailer. (It would have been 100% except for that one hard headed guy in Omaha.)
As long as your current TV works, wait until you start looking at that KZ 41 footer or the new line from Carriage.

Thanks for the replies.  The trailer is equipped with electric brakes, so I now feel a lot better in taking it out for my first trip this week. :)


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