wind generator

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Jul 11, 2014
Just wondering if any one here has experience with using a wind generator to charge batteries?  Specifically for "Wind Blue Power"  DC540 alternator. 
pretty expensive to get one large enough to make much difference. And the wind is not very reliable. Not sure about smaller units but the large wind power units you see dotting the countryside are considered the most costly energy in the country due to maintenance and installation costs.

Solar is probably far cheaper and more reliable.
Not to mention the noise.  My neighbor installed one a few years ago.  He finally took it down and installed solar.
I didn't search real deep, but it doesn't seem to give any real data on battery charging.  I note it says that it will start charging a 12v battery in a 6 mph wind, so obviously needs more for a higher charge rate. And of course it needs sustained wind to generate consistent power. Battery charging takes hours, not a few minutes here and there.

Are you often in an area that has sustained winds of 10 mph or more? That's actually quite breezy, what most people would consider a windy day.
We often boon dock and our MH is a pretty power hungry coach, so when I was exploring battery charging options I briefly looked at wind turbines but decided against them. Where we usually camp, solar is a better option and, as 8MP said, it's a much quieter option.

I am in the process of building a wind powered generator. So far it only takes a light breeze to get enough to charge a 12 volt pack. Using an automotive alt. regulator and a fan blade from an old datsun .It takes a hard breeze to get the system kicked in after that it does well. Right now I only have the blade mounted to the alt.and wired up and mounted onto a wooden pole...gotta fine tune and re do the set up. Gonna make it so it can be erected when boondocking just for a good recharge on 3 marine deep cycle batts.. Total cost at this point is 32 bucks. I will try and get some pics.
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