Window leaks? Caulk roof?

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Nov 23, 2006

How does one determine if, with no water showing, one has a leak around a Land Yacht window frame?  If caulking around the windows is merited, what material to use?

Does anyone have any experience with Camping World roof caulk/inspection service?  They quoted me $349 to caulk around the roof openings (I presume they also mean all screw heads, etc.) and inspect the roof.  Good deal or no?

If roof needs a new covering, what is recommended for fiberglass roofs?  Cost?

Due to the age of the coach (1990) and the frequency and intensity of rain in Florida, I am thinking that a roof inspection/fresh caulk job might be in order.
My Land Yacht had a leak by the passenger window, at least I saw water on the panel below it and the carpet. upon closer inspection it was not the window frame but a roof seam above ( I saw water when I squessed the edge of the padding above the window). In looking at the roof it was evident that some of the sealant was starting to lift a little bit.  I used a piece of patching material (can't remember the brand, but I know it was recommended here). the type I used supported appling right over the top of the existing material (no need to scrape and remove) did the trick. have not had any leaks since

Thank you for you comeback.  I'll have to give my LY a more thorough exam -- I'll probably have CW do the roof seams, just because I am a newbie and don't want to run the risk of internal water damage.  $350 is not a bad price, at this point, for some peace of mind!

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